
  /  cb while i get to replies  :)


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    “ and  WHY  would i  LISTEN  to  YOU?  do you even know what you're talking about  ─  shit, man. ”


    humming softly at his panicked movements, she removed a remote from her pants pocket and held it up.    then she pressed the most obvious button  ─  the red one  ─  and watched as the bomb exploded.    a little white lie never hurt anyone  .  .  .  this time, at least.      “ that was a waste of a pretty good bomb.  you owe me a new one now  .  .  . ”


            without a second thought ,  caleb pivoted on his heels and lobbed the bomb with all of his nerve - fuelled might away from the two of them ,  off in a direction that was an open ,  and empty ,  area .


⠀⠀‘‘  hm .  .  ’’      she thought a moment, tilting her head and looking down at the bomb.    in all honesty, since it had never been used, she had no idea how big the boom would be.      ‘‘  dunno.  set it off 'n' we'll see.  ’’


❛          oh !! my most sincere apologies .. i should have knocked ,, though this is ,, erm ,, my dorm .. may i -- may i ask what you're doing in here ??           ❜


            " i'm here to chill .  "   he said simply and unfolded his arms in order to use them to push himself forward .  from there ,  he sat comfortably on the bed with his hands planted slightly behind him for support .   he looked at their expression with mild curiosity .  was he annoying them ?   he supposed he'd soon find out .
              " you did leave it open . . .  and i've been locked out of my room .  so i figured . . . "    he fell silent ,  not bothering to finish his sentence .  


❛          yes ,, it IS my dorm ,, thanks for noticing .. why re you in here ,, though ?! last i checked ,, i never invited you in ..           ❜ they close the door behind them and cross their arms ,, glaring at him with a slight pout ..  ❛          though i do wonder how you got in .. did i leave the door open ,, again ?!           ❜


            " relaxing ,  what does it look like ? "    was his somewhat attitude - filled response .  the young male was lying on the stranger's bed ,  with his arms crossed behind his head in order to support his neck .    " this is your dorm ?   huh . . .  it's nice . "


  /   the username is under construction .   i need to think of a better one .


/   off topic ,  but i just published his book !   i'm proud of it but also slightly worried that it isn't very good .   but i tried my best and that's what matters  :)


/   this whole account is under construction ,  really .