
every time wattpad logs me out , it's like a jumpscare 


I've been heavily into classroom of the elite for about a month or two now 
          i never thought it would be this good as it is ngl


@-ochaa Samee. And I love the fact that she isn't down bad for Ayanokoji like the other girls. She's her own woman!


@Natsumi_san0 )
            i absolutely love seeing her develop as a character 


@-ochaa Yay!!! She's my fav too!


I'm cryin bruh 
          gojo racist 
          not surprised since he hung out with geto 


@-rosehearts )
            and it's funny to watch gojo girlies try to defend it , it's crazy 


@-ochaa that was an insane thing to wake up to ☠️☠️ 


if jjk was getting awards only for the hidden inventory arc , how did it with best character design??
          they're literally just wearing uniforms  Crunchyroll awards is such a jokeeee , it's a popularity poll atp cause it did NOT deserve that one


i think i should start watching more romance animes cause ' A Sigh of Affection ' looks so good woahhh


@-ochaa YES!!! I read the manga about a year ago and it's so good. The anime looks pretty good as well 


think I'll start with that one 


jjk girls getting outta hand cause why are you squeezing menstrual blood on your gojo figure . 
          it's the bakugo situation all over again, but worse 


            I would stare at this in shock, but after knowing about "pony jars", I'm honestly not surprised. Just disgusted.