
You know they are your friends when you ask them to stop talking bout someone who broke your heart and one of them swear bout that person and the another one calls right away asking "what happened with that person?"and keeps you on the call until they assure that you are okay.
          	I love my friends so much,they're the best.


@printul-iadului93 everyone told me that in university I'll make the friendships that are gonna last if not the whole life but the most part of my life anyway.
          	  I mean ,the friend that called me could've talked to me through texts on the group chat but he called and he's with erasmus now ,he's not here and he called. I really appreciate it.


@ -notsoperfect-  such friendships, you meet once in a lifetime. Trust me. 


@printul-iadului93 compared to other"sectors"where I suck and I am completely unlucky,yeah,from this point of you I am lucky .


You know they are your friends when you ask them to stop talking bout someone who broke your heart and one of them swear bout that person and the another one calls right away asking "what happened with that person?"and keeps you on the call until they assure that you are okay.
          I love my friends so much,they're the best.


@printul-iadului93 everyone told me that in university I'll make the friendships that are gonna last if not the whole life but the most part of my life anyway.
            I mean ,the friend that called me could've talked to me through texts on the group chat but he called and he's with erasmus now ,he's not here and he called. I really appreciate it.


@ -notsoperfect-  such friendships, you meet once in a lifetime. Trust me. 


@printul-iadului93 compared to other"sectors"where I suck and I am completely unlucky,yeah,from this point of you I am lucky .


Guess I shouldn't have let my hopes get high just because he was nice one night. Should've keep them on the low,should've kill them...
          I'm the problem,I'm the fool!Will I ever stop making a fool of myself? I guess not. Will I ever stop believing in things like this so that I won't hurt myself anymore?Maybe one day?No,I won't. 


@UrFavTaekooker it's fine , I won't think bout it so I'll be easier to forget. 


@-notsoperfect- Okay,I'm not not mention him either,imma keep my mouth shut:)


@UrFavTaekooker yeah,but you got along,lots of things in common,he was that nice and protective that night so...I thought that there's some hope,but it's not. I gave up and i don't wanna mention him for a week or smth to get over tbh


Citesc atâtea chestii interesante despre viața ta de facultate încât am cea mai mare curiozitate: unde ești la facultate? 


@Evelyn__- Nu stiu ,mai. Ca gen, facem cursurile in diferite facultăți 


@-notsoperfect- parcă era … verde? Ceva amestecat cu galben, simpatică 


@Evelyn__- Nu stiu sa ti zic,ca n am bagat de seama,dar gen facultatea de litere e aproape de centru,ca nu e exact in centru ,acolo e facultatea de inginerie mai exact.


Deci aseara am decis random ca mergem in club si am vb cu tipul asta de la camin si i-am zis ca noi mergem in club si mi a zis ca si el se gandea daca sa vina cu colegii de camera si mi a zis ca face dus si vine. 
          Ne am vazut la club ,si o venit efectiv si o stat cu noi toata seara ,am venit împreună la camin gen.
          Y'all cand va zic ca de la o imbratisare si o eu ametita de la lumini ca l am imbratisat cat stateam la rand la bar s a ajuns sa stau pe piciorul lui si sa ma mangaie usor pe umar ,sa ma tina de mana(gen cu degetele incrucisate),sa si puna mana dupa talia mea ,sa fie atent sa nu ma loveasca careva. Bai....o fost asa nice aseara si m am distrat asa bine,si muzica buna si el a fost asa...nice. si in bolt cand ne am intors la camin am stat cu capul pe pieptul lui si si a tinut mana in jurul meu si la o curba era sa ma duc pe cealaltă jumătate de bancheta si m a tinut asa strans sa nu ma duc. Guys...my hopes were low af with him judging from the way he texts me sometimes ,but lasta night...mhm...interesting.


@miamikorea nu stiu,e discutabil si mai complicat decat pare...dar ,am avut un sentiment bun ,m am simtit asa safe si nu mereu am sentimentul asta cu cineva...si in mod normal nu m as lasa nici macar imbratisata daca nu am un feeling bun. I kinda,more likely hate physical touch...daca ti oder physical touch e de bine


@-notsoperfect- eu zic să-l iei cât mai poți, rar găsești genul acesta de persoane


@miamikorea idk it was just so nice, lovely and pretty and it felt so goodʕノ)ᴥ(ヾʔ


Paște fericit, dragilor!!♡♡


I can't figure out how to feel or think about a text I've received.
          I've been talking to this guy and he almost never asks things like "what are you doing/how are you", meanwhile I do.
          And...yesterday I texted him "heey" and he didn't reply. Almost an hour ago he texted me to say sorry, he said briefly why he didn't text back and he said"what u doin how r u?"and I'm confused bout what i should think or feel maybe believe...Cuz  he never said that,well" what u doin" he said 2-3 times?!Sometimes I'm just thinking that he might be bored of me and sometimes we talk like we know each other for a whole life...idk man,it's more than I can understand!(っ-_-)っ


@-blonda01 nu te contrazic,te cred pe cuvant


@-notsoperfect- io știu ca mulți sunt nasoi


@-blonda01 how cuuute!!well unii chiar sunt nasoi n am ce comenta


Starting from tomorrow we won't see Silv for 10 months(ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)
          We spent time together today,as a group, took photos...but I will miss him so much  (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)
          It's true that an extrovert adopts an introvert. He was my extrovert and I was his adopted introvert. He always makes sure that I am included, that no one forgets about me. Even today, he put his hand around my back to make sure that I will appear in the group selfie
          (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)
          I wil miss him so much  (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)


Ba frate! Il iubesc pe Silv. Deci faptul ca suntem asa apropiați desi stie ca am avut crush on him si m a refuzat. In seara asta am iesit si noi, si cand mergeam noi asa pe drum eu il tineam de brat pe Silv gen, si el "da mi mana" si ne am tot tinut de mana cum se tin cuplurile alea. Deci il iubesc pentru ca nu suntem awkward dupa toata faza aia.


@printul-iadului93 bine atunci, te cred:)) daca tu zici asa o fi acum. 


@ -notsoperfect-  da, din ce cunosc eu ....da :))) 