
i kinda wanna make a AZ book like of the chapters of nas’ sis n az sneaking around but change it kinda. should i? if i do ill write like 5 chaps before i release it


There was this writer, and i was trying to help them out by telling them about their grammar. They said they aspired to be an author so i gave them some tips on how to improve their writing and they got mad at me and blocked me…like i just don’t understand that. 


Like wtf- Auto correct ain’t always gon’ be there


ive gotten to the point where i wanna make a chapter w 3 dudes fckin w whomever the girl is…


@-THECHR0NICC yea ima write it… tryna figure out if it should be at the same time or separate tho lmfaoo


VERY unpopular opinion. i hate devante swing imagines. like i’ll read them if there’s nothing else but there are just so many. idk i just dont care for them ig


i wish there were more about the other members of jodeci, devante is like… generic pretty boy stuff & it gets really repetitive. 


tempted to do a sex scene but it’d be awkward to write i feel like. cus wtf am i supposed to say?


yea really gon have to use that imagination. i just dont what to put in dialogue bc sex talk in books is cringey sometimes


That’s when you really need to let your imagination take you there, I hope that makes sense LMFAO 