
||cb or drop !! 
          	planning to respond to everything else !!! But I don’t mind sending out more ! 


"Leo?! What... what are you doing here?! Bozhe moi <my god>, haven't I told you to take it easy and rest after everything you've been through?!" she looked around, making sure the people in the party hadn't heard her. He looked preoccupied, though, and that look on his face made her hold back for a second and actually listen to what he had to say.
          // dropping, because them <333


@-russianspies ||
            “A little.” He responded quickly to her stage whisper. Solo sighed frustratedly; he knew she cared about him which is why she was concerned. She was the only one who had /actually/ cared for him in a long time. Which is why he wasn’t used to it. Napoleon wasn’t good at listening to orders. The CIA knew that. He raised a hand slightly, trying show her that he was listening, well, partially. He had just found the heiress. “You are too having all the fun. I get to sit in a hotel all day and stare at a shitty off-white ceiling trying not kill myself from boredom.” He responded in a distracted voice before he was focused back on the redhead in front of him, “oh darling, jealous? Don’t be, you’re my type. Alone. Funnily enough though, your target’s girlfriend has my Rembrandt. Maybe we can work together? Hmm? Come on Nat.” He tried to convince her, almost like a young child trying to get something. 
            || <33 


She saw the shock in his sky blue eyes, taking over his handsome features. He looked amazing in that suit — although she would claim he did so wearing absolutely anything he wanted. With his attitude, any outfit worked in his favour. However, there was a special charm to a nice suit, admittedly. Natasha watched the change in his expression intently, noticing how he tried his best to regain his composure passed the initial surprise of acknowledging her presence. Her eyes never left his, even as he approached her, which had her looking up at some point given their height difference — the redhead let him guide her to the side without any resistance, just waiting for him to talk with her. She had her back against a column — the place was built like an ancient Greek temple. Beautiful, huge, majestic... made to cause an impression. But also with plenty of ornamented columns, that were absolutely very helpful for a spy —, her head tilted to the side as she listened to him. "Are you crazy?!" her voice was quiet and her words came out like a funny, stage whisper — unintentionally, though. "I am not having all the *fun*. I'm *working*." she clarified, checking their surroundings, before looking back up at him. "You know the owner of this place? The heir? A spoiled rich girl. Pretty... might be your type. Her boyfriend, though, he's a huge problem. My *target*."
            // absolutelyyy !! tysmm as well, dear xx


@-russianspies || 
            The man nearly dropped his glass, not expecting his better half to be there at the same event as he had been casing for the past two weeks. He may have been confined to a hotel room but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t make plans. Especially since the CIA assumed he was dead. Oh, he had plans. Napoleon was in one of his best suits and his target tonight was the heir of quite a bit of money…and priceless art pieces. He had missed this game, but most importantly, Solo missed being /out/. Now, Natasha was not supposed to be there. He quickly took her arm and pulled her to the side with him, bringing his voice down as he responded to her, “Nat, I’m fine. I promise.” His blue eyes watched her face trying to decide if he tells her the truth or lies… “This was my only chance at a missing Rembrandt.” He hissed softly, his gaze shifting back to the crowd to look for the heir, “plus, I couldn’t sit around twiddling my thumbs for that long while you get to have all the fun~” Napoleon purred with his charming smile. 
            || finally responding because them <33  tysm !!! 


"You are smart... I gotta give you that. You're *not* that smart, though, if you think you can stop me. By yourself."
          // visiting Morbach and Bucky next ;))


@-greywidows ||
            Napoleon’s eyes kept shifting, watching the woman and behind her. Well, he wasn’t going to get through with his charm, he at least could tell /that/ wasn’t working on her. He grimaced at the mention of his former employer. “Well, /was/ CIA. We parted on rough terms. Sent me off to die and I really didn’t like that option. So I chose a different path and here I am.” The man nodded with a lackluster shrug. “The name’s Solo, Napoleon Solo. So call me whatever you wish. I do truly believe I can help you.” Actually he didn’t. Funnily enough, her target for the night turned out to be his as well. And, well,  he needed them alive for the next few days just so that he could get into their vault. 


[ This smells like a trap ], she would think, furrowing their eyebrows at him. They weren't convinced, despite how he spoke of being *persuasive*. Perhaps it worked for other women who would fall for his, admittedly, handsome features... but Ekaterina wasn't one of them. They only had eyes for one person in this world, and *she* was a woman. Lara Pavlova. The only person who ever believed in her. Most part of one's persuasion skills was charm, and she wouldn't fall for his. "You're CIA, aren't you? I think I've heard of you before... Napoleon --" she couldn't remember the surname. But in her defense, a lot of agents, a lot of names, it was difficult to keep track.


@-greywidows || 
            “If you leave, I have no choice but to try and stop you again.” Napoleon quickly spoke in return, his right hand finally come up to press his wounded left side. “You’ll find I can be quite persuasive…and persistent. Trust me, you’re going to need my help. I can make your job easier, but I had to stop you back there from making a mistake. Which, granted, wasn’t one of my smartest choices.” He winced, raising his other hand to try and keep her from walking off. 


"I've been told about your... *abilities*. It seems you're indeed great at *acquiring* things, doesn't matter the difficulties, huh? I could use the help of someone with such... expertise."
          // dropping something here too, hope you don't mind, love <333


"I'll believe it when I see it." she paused, pulling her red coat closer to her frame. "In action. In the field." she was quick to add, a tiny smirk on her lips, almost as to prevent any flirty line he might've had in store for her. Not that she didn't find it fun, this whole game, but she had urgent matters at hand and couldn't give herself the luxury of wasting time. "I don't mind --" she responded gently, playfully ignoring the arm he offered out to her as she smiled, a fleeting and mysterious smile at that. "Lead the way, Mr. Solo."


[ @-redspies ]
            “Mm, oh you don’t know /how/ lucky you are.” He quickly followed up before reaching into the jacket of his suit and pulling out a a couple bills. He placed them on the bar next to his drink and rose to his full height, buttoning the front of the jacket as he looked her up and down. “I know just the place.” Napoleon offered her his arm as he turned, ready to leave. “I just hope you don’t mind that it /is/ the room I am staying in for the night. It is quite private. No one will bother us for…” he paused to think about before the Cheshire grin returned, “well, for awhile.” 


She met his playful, flirty comment with an unreadable look in her eyes -- she was familiar with it, although not used to be on the receiving end: it was the kind of game *she* played, to manipulate people for her own objectives. Ada was amused, however, to see he seemed to play it just as well as her. It was like she was finally finding a mutual, Napoleon Solo being her reflection in the mirror -- but a mirror that reflected people's personalities instead of appearances. "Lucky me. Tell me, handsome -- is there a place more private so we can talk business? I wouldn't like all these people eavesdropping us."
            // ahh, thank you, love !! same goes to you, for real, for real <33