
omg i’m- 
          	i can’t believe it. 
          	violent delights just hit 800 reads after just hitting 700 reads a few days ago. thank you guys so much for reading my story. i have such exciting things planned for this story and i’m so excited to share them with you. <333


omg i’m- 
          i can’t believe it. 
          violent delights just hit 800 reads after just hitting 700 reads a few days ago. thank you guys so much for reading my story. i have such exciting things planned for this story and i’m so excited to share them with you. <333


Hi you're comments have made my day! Thank you for reading my story x


I try to make it as emotional as possible lol. Thanks again love x 


You're welcome your story makes my day (even though I was crying like a baby during most of it lol)