
I’m also making a playlist as I write so what that is is that I’m going to pick out a particular song that I feel relates to that particular chapter and you can listen to it as your reading, before you’re reading, after, or not at all. This is totally up to you:-)


I’m also making a playlist as I write so what that is is that I’m going to pick out a particular song that I feel relates to that particular chapter and you can listen to it as your reading, before you’re reading, after, or not at all. This is totally up to you:-)


Hey! Long time no see. More like long time no updates. Ha! I’m currently working on chapter 5 of This Town and it’s a great deal longer than my other chapters. So yay! Also I’m going to be rewriting chapters 1-4. I’m still going to use the general text I already have now, but go back and add more. I’m not going to upload those redone chapters though because I want to try to leave some surprise if this book ever gets published. So get excited for chapter 5! I also have a pretty detailed outline so I have a general idea of what I want to happen and when. I also add stuff as I go so it is also somewhat a surprise to me as well. Much love if you read this far<3


So basically The Girl Who Never Smiled is going to update whenever I get writers block for This Town and vice versa. This is so you'll have something new to read as well. I am trying a different writing style for this new story so I hope your excited as I am:)


I changed the chapter names in This Town to just chapter and the number. I feel that I would eventually run out of lyrics if I continued with this. Also the characters are seniors in high school. I didn't specifically mention what grade, but I see them as 17-18 years old. I hope this helps with the characters. The cast is just to show you what I picture them as. Obviously 5 Seconds of Summer is themselves. You can picture my original characters as whoever you want though.