
this message may be offensive
some of y’all are being really fucking creepy and it’s not funny. (this is  VERY targeted at that one person who wrote “the things that you lied about…” on my message board and then deleted it without context. i saw that, you creep.)
          	i feel incredibly uncomfortable, so i’m moving accounts. good luck finding my new one ig, cause i’m not dropping it here in fear of people following me and doing that shit on the new account.
          	i’m not deleting this one, but i’ll finish/rewrite my story on the new acc. 
          	(a hint for finding the new one is checking stories i’ve read here, as i’ll probably be commenting on them again or just looking for a yuichiro tokito fanfic)


@-jellibellii that’d be cool! :D
          	  I’d like to keep supporting you and I’m so sorry you had to go through this :(


@RikuAmane if you want, i can dm you my new user if you still wanna follow me


@RikuAmane you arent, im confused too, but i was taking a writing break and some weirdo commented that. im alr in a dark place so idk why they felt the need to weird me out like that


this message may be offensive
some of y’all are being really fucking creepy and it’s not funny. (this is  VERY targeted at that one person who wrote “the things that you lied about…” on my message board and then deleted it without context. i saw that, you creep.)
          i feel incredibly uncomfortable, so i’m moving accounts. good luck finding my new one ig, cause i’m not dropping it here in fear of people following me and doing that shit on the new account.
          i’m not deleting this one, but i’ll finish/rewrite my story on the new acc. 
          (a hint for finding the new one is checking stories i’ve read here, as i’ll probably be commenting on them again or just looking for a yuichiro tokito fanfic)


@-jellibellii that’d be cool! :D
            I’d like to keep supporting you and I’m so sorry you had to go through this :(


@RikuAmane if you want, i can dm you my new user if you still wanna follow me


@RikuAmane you arent, im confused too, but i was taking a writing break and some weirdo commented that. im alr in a dark place so idk why they felt the need to weird me out like that


also happy valentines day


@-jellibellii yes I'm concerned bro- WHYYYYY ITS ANOTHER


@-jellibellii HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY *do do do do do do* HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY *cute cat clapping paws*


quick announcement time !!
          one: my profile layout is gonna change within the next chapter of my story posting so uh yeah
          two: its being rewritten and edited like HELL bro lmao so expect some changes
          and by some i mean a ton
          see ya in like idk a week and a half