
Hey y’all! It’s been awhile so I just posted a new part to my story ‘the only exception’ you guys should go read it or something uwu


YO YO MATES! so im thinking of writing stuff for like panic! and mcr or tøp but i have no good ideas so, what would you like to read... also i might do stuff for separate people like dallon weekes (oneshots, imagine stories, fanfics ect.) so yeah and what ships what you like to see? i would like broaden my spectrums of writing 


            Petekey anything would be really cool. Also you could do a cool multi-bandom thing about touring together... Im not good with thinking of ideas, but I wanted to give you something!!


          so im gonna start a book for band memes, jokes, and im taking suggestions and every update on "Here lies the Music, There lies the death" im gonna shout out a reader so make sure you add that to your library so you don't miss and update and you can't get a shout out and follow (unless im already following you). Just comment or Vote and maybe you'll be shouted out in my next update.
          god i sound like a youtuber 
          bye love love


@skeletal-stump CAN GET A SHOUT OUT.
            i put can't but i meant can. 


Yo yo.i just posted a new story its called save him. Its a hunger games au. PETERICK STYLE you should check it out. I've been planning it for a while. The first parts out now.
          It will be a series btw and i might bring back "hold me tight or don't" we'll see. 
          Love love 


You guys should read my new story 'Here Lies The Music, There Lies The Death'. I'm working really hard on it, though I'm not the best at writing. There are two chapters up so far. I'm really proud of it. Okay I'll shut up now. 
          Its not a band, Its an idea. okay. for real now.