
//: mbv 


            //: it’s nice to meet you Flower!
            She nods and then went over kneeling beside them. “Even if I’m not here psychically, it still feels like I am. She touched their shoulder to prove it as it felt extremely real.


✎┊; Nice to meet you too! I’m Trin or Flower :,)
            Elliot looked up at Kairi and furrowed their eyebrows, “No not quite.” They looked at them curiously, “Not here? How...depressing, I am glad to here another voice though.” They smiled sadly. 


            //: it’s nice to meet you, I’m R.
            “Is Ellie okay?” She tilts her head as she asked that. “And how I got here, well psychically I’m not here. More like an illusion is.” 


/ *claims mb*
          / *pats mb*


[ @-immortalyouth ]
            / love & support, tONS OF IT  >:00
             Kuro nods with a smile. “Yeah—Its a must, really. My stomach can never have enough,” he responded cheerfully while he swayed left and right. “What's your favorite food, Elliot? I can try to see if I have that at home. If not, I'll try to get it at a store!” he exclaimed. 


✎┊; hhh ; w ; *pap*
            ✎┊;that is good to hear uwu anD I didn’t realize I said it twice whoopS-
            ✎┊; and yeah I’m still good , just finished watching a movie- but what is your secret weapon :0?? 
            “Is, not was, he still is my master, he hasn’t returned from his splurge of hurting people.” The hummed softly, flinching at the contact of him. They weren’t used to people caring for them. Elliot looked back up at them with a softer smile, “Yes, I suppose I do...It’s nice to have some company around, more than him I suppose.” They hummed, “That would be nice, I would definitely appreciate the food, I haven’t eaten today..” They looked away for a moment before looking back at him, “Is that so?” 


            / hhH ;O;; —
            / still very good! uwu
            / i hope you're good too or else i'll sneak out my secret w e a p o n  >:000
             “Your master was basically a bad guy? Awh, I'm sorry.” Kuro put his hand down on the other's back and gave it reassuring strokes. Eventually, he pulls away with a bright smile to lighten the mood. “Well, at least you have me around to make things better, right?” he piped, head jerking to the side curiously. “I can come here on the daily to talk and give you some food if you get hungry; I bring food everywhere. You never know when you're hungry.”