
reading through my old stories and wtf was i on bro.
          	y’all are the best for sticking with me through my crazy ass teen years and hormones that i put into my writing LMAO


@-drunkenhour girlie I'll stick with you through the rest of your crazy ass um idk how old you are years if you write more Anne with an e fanfic 


reading through my old stories and wtf was i on bro.
          y’all are the best for sticking with me through my crazy ass teen years and hormones that i put into my writing LMAO


@-drunkenhour girlie I'll stick with you through the rest of your crazy ass um idk how old you are years if you write more Anne with an e fanfic 


Heyy :) i hope u are having great time ! I jusy wanna thank u for writing shirbert book ,, lovee boy” i have never seen such a beutiful fan ofc of shirbert (no hate to other writers) but yours was truly amazing ! And to mention that when i read book i don’t cry well if they are special to me ( iam sorry if this dosen’t makes sense) but i tell u i sobbed and the end of the book of the thougth that it ended :) 
          With love blond haired bookworm <3