
Morgan dangled upside down from a tree. He groaned, bored out of his mind, having nothing to do.


Morgan twirls his ax around in his fingers, it was a rather dangerous task that he seemed to not care about. He flipped it around like a baton, twisting it with ease. He could easily hurt himself or someone else but he had once again forgotten he was in the mortal realm at camp halfblood and not in Valhalla.


He blinked at the sudden suggestion "I mean uhm.. I wouldn't mind that" He nods "It has, been a while since I have really been to the place-"


            “maybe, we should stop by there, and let you get settled?  or uh ~ what are you thinking?”


            "Oh-! I'm uh- fine- did you see anything?" he says hastily, embarassed by his carelessness


Morgan sits outside of Dionysus cabin messing with the grass- he had been visiting his aunt Annabeth (in actuality it's his 2nd cousin but he's always called her his aunt). He was bored out of his mind and had nothing better to do than watch other campers train.