
I’m fighting for my life against sudden urges to write a fan fiction because I swore to myself I’d never go back to that… but the appeal is totally there XDD


@-blueskiies- dude fr i srsly feel that all the time but I'm like "no resist" xD


@-blueskiies- oh no… if it’s a bad thing, then FIGHT IT XD


Hey girlieee hru?


@-blueskiies- it's okay I've been on hiatus so xD That's great! I'm glad to hear it. I'm doing pretty good too :D


@TheBlaisse Hey! Sorry I’m getting back to you so late! I’m doing well, thank you so much for asking! How are you? <3


I’m fighting for my life against sudden urges to write a fan fiction because I swore to myself I’d never go back to that… but the appeal is totally there XDD


@-blueskiies- dude fr i srsly feel that all the time but I'm like "no resist" xD


@-blueskiies- oh no… if it’s a bad thing, then FIGHT IT XD


Girl you left me like 70 notifs ToT XDD Not complaining at all tho they were entertaining bahaha


@-blueskiies- bahaha nah it was all great tho! I was just startled when I saw how many notifs I had xD
            Haha why ty I always try to respond to as many as I can xD


@TheBlaisse And wow you responded to a TON! Respect XDD


@TheBlaisse Oh my goodness I didn’t even realize it was that much! I’m so sorry for the spam XDD


HEY <3


@_tropicalvibes_ Yay! That makes me happy to hear! I’m doing good too, thanks for asking!! <33


ilysm <3


@everyday-amazing I’m so happy to hear that! Haha schools been a bit crazy for me too, but I’m doing well! Thank you for asking :)


i’m gooooood
            school and everything is crazy
            hbu <33


I’ve been soooo inactive lately and I feel terrible about it so I wanted to check in with you guys! How are you all? Is there any way I can be keeping you in my prayers? 
          Also, a little progress update on my current WIP: (that was supposed to have been finished in November *nervously sweats*) I am most of the way through with my rough draft, and it’s going well so far! It’s taken longer than expected but I think that might be a good thing since this particular story has changed as I’ve been writing it, (even though I said I was going to stick to my outline XD) and I needed time to deeply think about how it was all going to play out! So yeah, I’m almost there and I apologize for the wait :)
          PS. I can’t waittt I’m going to see Marissa Meyer today on her tour for her newest book release! (I’m not really sure what this book is about but I’m gonna buy it just so I can get her signature XDD)
          Anyways enough if my ramblings, love y’all! Have a great day <3


[ @-blueskiies- ] don't feel bad at all!! <3 
            Ooh, that's exciting! Can't wait to read it! Girl, don't feel bad for taking time to write--it just means the finished product will be better than if you had rushed it. :D


@-blueskiies- hi hi hiii!!! How are you??
            I’m so glad you’ve been making progress on your book, I’m sure it’ll be great <334
            That’s so so cool!! Have fun <3


Hey girlie I’ve been doing pretty good! could u pray for my lacrosse team that we play well it would mean a lot. Is there anything I can pray for u? <33


Hey girlie! Hru? I feel like we haven't talked in a while :(


@-blueskiies- aw don't feel bad! I completely understand that life is busy <3
            I'm good! Things have been pretty chill haha hbu?


@TheBlaisse Oh my goodness hi M! Wow it has been forever, I feel bad :’)
            How are you?? How’s life been treating you lately? <3


Hey girlie hru?


@-blueskiies- haha it's totally okay I miss stuff sometimes too xD that's goof! Same just cold haha


@TheBlaisse Wow I have absolutely no idea how I didn’t see this but I apologize sincerely, it must have been lost in my notifs! I’m pretty good, how are you today? :)