
anyone want an anna buddy? ;)


@-_Carrie_-46 What's an Anna buddy? Is it anorexia?


What’s an anna buddy?


this message may be offensive
So last night i had another dream
          i has this bday party and all these popular kids were there, and i was like wtf. this one kid comes out of the group and walks over to where im talking to this girl who i guess was a friend of mine. he starts fucking tickling me on the chin and flirting with me and i was like hoe go die. i woke up.
          that dream was almost on the level of my nightmare where i was raped
          idek what my brain is thinking


            How do you all remember your dreams so well? All I remember are my nightmares.


@-_Carrie_-46 once I had a nightmare .... It was..... Sad and scary


alrighty my babes let's get down to b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s
          (spilling the tea for 200)
          (these are gonna be some boring ass questions)
          1) bf?
          nope. i'm lonely and ugly so i'm sure i'll just be a 40 year old virgin.
          2) crushes?
          haha probably some hot kids from school that aren't in my grade bc they're all ugly af
          3) lgbt/ sexuality?
          get me some men plz ;)
          i'm also a girl (by sex and gender)
          4) animals?
          i have 2 guinea pigs (sage and ginger, girls)
          a yorkie (diesel, boy)
          5) friends?
          haha none plz pray for me