/     69 followers hehe


[ @n1ghtshXde 】/     TYY<3 the 10 minutes I had it was nice while it lasted loll


          	  I was gonna say nice but then it went to 71
          	  congrats tho :D


A tall woman appears in front of her sporting a long doctors coat and long reddish orange hair she has piercing green eyes and seems to have some sort of intent by the way she carries herself she walks just like a excorsist on extermination day and her long red horns look able to pierce anyone. “Good evening May I speak with you for a moment?” She asks and there’s no doubt about it you had met her before..


" vags!  happy  valentines  day! "  she  grinned,  pulling  out  some  roses  and  a  thing  of  chocolates  with  a  rainbow  on  them  " I  love  you  sooooo  much! "
          //  cute  gf  stuff  : 0


            " You   too,   hun. "  Vaggie  smiled  softly  at  her  girlfriend,  happy  to  see  her  as  happy  and  loving  as  usual.  Although  the  nagging  feeling  of  guilt  bugged  her  in  the  back  of  her  mind,  the  same  feeling  she  got  whenever  she  was  around  Charlie.  Vaggie  absolutely  / hated /  lying  to  Charlie  about  being  a  fallen  angel,  but  how  would  she  take  it  if  she  told  her?  Would  it  ruin  their  relationship?  Make  everything  they've  been through  together  mean  absolutely  nothing?  These  thoughts  seemed  to  bother  her,  shown  by  the  sudden  uncertainty  crossing  Vaggie's  face.


" awww!  your  the  best  person  i've  ever  met  in  hell! "  charlie  giggled,  " i  love  you  too! "  if  only  she  knew  about  her  being  a  fallen  angel.  how  would  the  princess  of  hell  react  to  being  lied  too? 


@redeemthem 】
            Vaggie  returned  the  hug,  wrapping  her  arms  around  the  taller  female's  torso.  " I   / love /   them. "  She  corrected  the  princess  of  hell,  smiling  up  at  her. " Obviously   not   as   much   as   I   love   you,   though. "


" vaggie?  oh -  hey .  .  . "  charlie  faked  a  smile  towards  the  other,  just  returning  from  a  meeting  with  adam  about  her  mission  with  the  happy  hotel


@redeemthem 】
            Vaggie  knew  that  wasn't  the  case  at  all.  And  it  definitely  had  something  to  do  with  that  meeting  Charlie  went  to. " Charlie.   You   know   you   can   talk   to   me,   right? " She  placed  a  gentle  hand  on  Charlie's  forearm,  " Did   something   happen   at   the   meeting? "


" i -  nothin's  wrong  hun,  don't  worry  about  it! "  charlie  lied,  faking  a  smile


@redeemthem 】
            Vaggie  frowned,  noticing  that  Charlie  was  feeling  down.  " Babe,   what's   wrong? "