
i have yet to meet a vampire with taste around here, i don’t see why you’d be an exception. 


@vampiricmuse    (  . . .  )     ah ,   and   you   claim   to   know   me   within   the   first   mere   few   moments   of   our   conversation  ?       [         she   hummed   ,    pearly   white   fangs   flashing   slightly   as   she   grinned .    her   head   tilted   as   her   gaze   wandered   over   the   various   art   pieces  .        ]      rude   can   be   in   a   matter   of   perspective  ,   darling .    I   prefer   brutal   honesty .    though   really   ,    I   hate   taking   things   / too /   seriously .   where’s   the   fun   in   that   ? 


i don’t see why we can’t, you hardly seem like the sensitive type. [ the vampire replies with a spirited flame igniting in golden hues, such was a resting state for him. his tongue glides across his lips. ] but i’m a bit apprehensive, every vampire i’ve met so far has been garish and rude. i’m sure you’re no stranger to assumptions. 


@vampiricmuse    (  . . .  )     ouch .    and   here   I   thought   we   would   get   along .      [       the   ravenette   mused   ,    placing   her   hand   upon   her   chest   in   a   way   that   suggested   she   was   offended ,    although   the   amused   smirk   curling   on   her   cherry   red   lips   hinted   otherwise .       ]        what   a   / terrible /   first   impression ,   darling .  you   might   want   to   work   on   that . 


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shit  —  i’m sorry.  i wasn’t looking where i was going,  let me buy you a new drink.  


@shieldsagent-    (  . . .  )       [         usually   ,    the   hybrid   would   be   rather   annoyed   by   the   situation   and   the   spillage   onto   her   new   dress   (  as   if   she   couldn’t   just   get   another   one  ) ,   but   tonight   was   different .   there   was   a   gleam   in   her   dark   hues   that   indicated   a   hint   of   amusement   as   a   dramatic   sigh   escaped   her   ,   dabbing   at   the   probable   stain   with    a    napkin .      ]       you   seem   to   be   in   such   a   / hurry /   ,    darling .    you   got   some   place   you   need   to   be    ? 
            /      it’s   been   a   while   since   they   interacted   properly ,   so   I’m   happy   to   start   fresh   if   you’re   happy   <33


/      it’s up to you if you want them to know each other from before or if you wanna start fresh  <3 


i wanna go out tonight, selene. 


i’m yours. [ he says it as if instinctual, following her kiss. he tilts his head, smiling against her lips with a similar fervor. a calmness washes over him, settling with a passion and creating a feeling indescribable to him. was it security? was it devotion? he felt like it could’ve been both. leaning into her touch, his expression falls slightly. ] i wish i could say the same about the people that i feed from— [ he swallows, shaking his head. hands finally settling around her waist again. ] none of them feel the same as you. 


@wiccaanways   (  . . .  )      that’s   exactly   what   you   are .    you’re   mine   .        [        she    whispered   as   she   tilted   her   chin   up   at   him   ,    before   she   took    the   opportunity   to   kiss   him   .   the   kiss   was   anything   but   hesitant.   it   wasn’t   some   fleeting   brush   of   lips,   nor   was   it   a   frenzied   collision   of   desperation.   no,   this   was   something   else   entirely.   it   was   deliberate,   claiming,   the   kind  of   kiss   that   burned   slow,   seeping   beneath   the   skin,   leaving   its   mark   in   the   form   of   smoldering   embers   that   refused   to   die.   her   hand,   which   had   rested   so   possessively   at   his   throat,   trailed   up,   her   fingers   tracing   the   sharp   angles   of   his   jaw   before   settling   against   his   cheek.      ]       I’d   be   / proving /   that   I   / can /   satisfy   myself   with   a   ‘ petty  mortal ‘ .    a   few   dozen   ,   if   I   must .   are   you   willing   to   watch   me   rain   blood   tonight  to   show   you ? 


call me selfish, call me greedy, call me yours. i don’t care. [ he admires her fangs, swallowing softly as she smiled at him. part of him did want to be who she chose to feed on the more that they spoke; the more that she taunted him with the promise of sweet violence. he leans into her touch, teeth tugging on his lips. his hand that lay on her waist starts to spread, fingers drawing circles on her body. ] what exactly would you be trying to prove? 




 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ they truly were. you were my most precious, i did love it when it was you by my side. unfortunately, i’ve had your brother by my side instead and he’s not nearly as exciting as you were.    [  a dramatic disappointed sigh escaped min-ha’s lips, perfectly-manicured fingernails trailing down her neck before her hand came to rest upon her lap. unlike the woman before her, she did not need to stand taller than someone else to exude power—- it was embedded in her very existence. she raised an eyebrow at the comment of jealousy, not at all her intent with the questions.  ]    why would i need to be jealous? i may have mourned your escape but i let you leave, did i not?    [  her hand went to the wine glass selene set down so she could take another sip, relishing in the sweet taste of it.  ]    as long as you do not plan to murder anybody on these grounds or the few humans the work here, you are free to do whatever you please. touch them, and well.. i will have to get my hands dirty again.    [  there’s a pause as she set down the glass, dark gaze flickering up the woman before her.  ]    no one who enters that realm is truly innocent, not even you.


@siIvertonguedevil    (  . . .  )     yes ,    they   were   rather   boring   ,    weren’t   they   ?      [        selene   relished   in   pushing   boundaries ,   getting   under   other   people’s   skin   .   she   saw   beauty   in   the   way   another’s   eyes   would   light   up   in   such   fury   when   all   riled   up  .    she   knew   that   she   had   a   / wonderful /   way   with   words ,    and   she   used   that   to   her   advantage .   a   fanged   grin   appeared   on   her   cherry   red   lips   (  was   it   lipstick   ,   or   the   blood   of   her   enemies  ?    no   one   could   really   tell .     )    at   the   continuation    of   min-ah’s   questions   .    she   trailed   her   tongue   over   her   lips   ,   tapping   the   side   of   the   wine   glass   in   her   grasp   casually .      ]       this   is   beginning   to   sound   an   / awful /   lot   like   an   interrogation .   why   ?    jealous    ?         [       a   mocking   pout   formed   on   her   sharply   defined   features   as   she   clicked   her   tongue   to   the   roof  of   her   mouth .    ]       an   / old   friend / .   he’s   a   rather   fun   murder   buddy .     [        she   chuckled   slowly   ,   placing   the   glass   down   ,    a dark   gleam   within   her   eyes .      ]     i   tortured ,  yes .   but   don’t   forget   that   when   i   was   first   dragged   down   to   hell ,    I   was   innocent .   


 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ not many of your siblings had the same attitude as you did, darling. of course you were amusing.    [  min-ha watched the woman walk towards her only to grab her wine and drink it. she would have been annoyed and threatened anyone else who dared, but selene? there was always a soft spot for her, known in the way min-ha simply watches the show while her fingertips brush against her own lips.  ]    who is it? why are you looking for them?    [  the hybrid had deviated from her long ago, tore herself out of the devil’s hands and clawed her way through hell, but that didn’t matter in this moment. selene was as radiant as ever, the hellfire still burning inside of her even if she didn’t want to admit it—- it was a sight that would make even the devil blush.  ]    i don’t usually serve drinks, i simply cover for the lovely woman who does if she can’t make it. ah, well… i never did the torturing myself, hell was just my domain to rule. you and your siblings did the torturing, remember?


what?      you’ve never seen a man in pain before?      here to mock me, huntress?


@hyrded    (  . . .  )         [        it   was   probably   the   most   heartfelt  ,  truthful   thing   that   the   hybrid   had   ever   said   to   him .     her   lips   pressed   together  ,   struggling   to   keep   the   facade   she   had   so   intricately   designed   for   herself   over   all   these   years .     ]      I   have   warned   you   time   and   time   again   that   I   cannot   change .   if   you   knew   I   couldn’t   give   you   what   you   wanted   ,   why   did   you   continue   to   pursue   ?    . . .
                 /   ( 2/2 ) 


@hyrded    (  . . .  )     [          she   didn’t   bother   to   hide   her   surprise   this   time   as   he   spoke   again  .    never   the   monster   ?    how ?    how   could   he   say   that   ,   when   he   knew   of   how   she   was   ,   of   the   things   she   had   done   ?      a   lump   formed   in   her   throat  .   he   was   right .   for   so   long   ,   she   had   had   to   look   out   for   herself   ,   to   rely   only   on   herself   to   survive   .    and   that’s   what   she   was   .    a   survivor .   but   there   was   always   a   cost   ,   and   hers   ,   was   love .    selene   had   built   her   walls   so   high   that   she   refused    to   let   anyone   in   .       ]        you   assume   wrong .   why   would   you   think   I   would   so   recklessly   give   my   affections   to   a   stranger   ,   even   if   I   had   it   ? 
                       [          the   woman   was   afraid   ,   afraid   to   feel    ,   to   allow   herself   to   be   vulnerable .   vulnerability   was   a   weakness   ,   a   statement   that   had   gotten   her   through   hell’s   torment .    it   was   strange ,   how   cold   and   empty   she   felt   after   his   fingers   retracted   from   her   cheek .     she   hesitated    ,    her   heart   and   mind   engaging   in   a   relentless   battle .      ]        I       wasn’t   always   this   way  . . .   I   am   what   / he /   made   me .   him   and   this   world .   I’ve   simply   adapted . . .    I   don’t   / know /   of    anything   else   ,   rurik .    
                  /    ( 1/? ) 


⠀ ⠀ ⠀ a barren man of immortality stared at the hybrid. it was futile for the crow to pledge allegiance to a bird of prey. surely such an unlikely pair would only bring chaos and disaster. was it not the same for him and selene? his prying fingertips traced the sharp edges of her cheekbones, lingering for a fraction too long, as if committing the sensation to memory.        disappointed in himself rather than her, he withdrew his hand, letting it drift lower, his palm settling at the curve of her waist. her words, utter poison laced with truth, carved into him like an old wound torn open. he needn’t be reminded of it, yet the sting remained, forcing a quiet sigh from his lips. by the gods, rurik had always known the cruel reality between them, a fate not of their own making but of rules and divine decree.         yet mankind had been far more merciless to his existence alone. now, when it came to her..  his dark gaze lifted to the bookshelf behind her, lingering on the worn spines before settling back on her face, studying the slight shifts in her expression.
            “you were never the monster, darling.” his voice, thick with something rare—-warmth, perhaps—-        lacked its usual bitterness. instead, it carried the weight of something quieter, something almost mournful.      “a woman caged between worlds and two powers alone. if you don’t fight, who will? on your behalf? no one. surely,” he paused then, his gaze shifting back to the shelves, his own words pressing too close to the hollow spaces within him.        “if affection and doting distraction were within your capabilities, then you would have given them to me at the dawn of our first         encounter. but you didn’t. because you cannot give me what you do not have, selene.”


      no.         you can’t have it. 


@hyrded    (  . . .  )          you   will   pay   for   that .      [       she   murmured,   her   voice   dangerously   calm  ,   gaze   flitting   over   his   face ,   lingering   a   few   more   moments   on   his   mouth  ,  the   way   the   corners   seemed   to   curve   up   slightly .      ]       what   is   it   that   you   hope   to   gain   from   antagonising   me   ?   because   it   will   do   you   no   favours  ,   other   than   making   an   enemy   of   me .   do   you   want   that  ,   darling   ?     


@hyrded     (  . . .  )      [      it   always   felt   like   a   never-ending   game   of   cat   and   mouse   with   them—words  sharp   as   blades,   jabs   that   cut   deep,   mostly   from   her.   selene   was   nothing   if   not   a   hypocrite.   since   meeting   rurik,   she   had   relentlessly   provoked   him,   her   playful   teasing   masking   a   reckless   impulsivity   that   always   seemed   to   get   under   his   skin.   but   when   the   tables   were   turned,   when   he   retaliated ,   she   hated   it.    for   once,   she   wasn’t   the   one   in   control .
                  the   ring   on   her   finger   was   more   than   just   jewellery   —  it   was   her   lifeline.   as   long   as   it   rested   there,   she   could   walk   freely   under   the   sun’s   blistering   gaze   without   fear   of   being   consumed   by   the   fire   it   brought.   without   it,   she   would   be   as   vulnerable   as   any   other   creature   of   the   night,   trapped   in   the   darkness,   unable   to   feel   the   warmth   of   daylight.   it   was   fortunate   for   selene   that   the   only   light   around   them   now   came   from   the   moon — pale   and   cold,   but   enough  to   let   her   keep   her   strength.   her   jaw   tightened,   muscles   rigid,   as   rurik   leaned   in   closer,   his   presence   suffocating.  her   eyes,   already   dark   with   barely   contained   rage,   almost   appeared   black   in   the   dim   light.     ]     
                 /   (  1/? ) 


⠀ ⠀ ⠀ “No.”       it was clipped, dark with the ambient reverence of amusement as the ring clasped between his long fingers vanished in a flash. magic was costly, always had been, but in moments like these, he became the sole greedy heir to the throne of darkness. one could say without hesitation that the reaper was bored,      and out of such boredom, his posture turned lax, caution dissolving into ease. his gaze, however, remained locked on her. he watched, unbothered, raising a daring brow as her threats loomed over him like a blade yet to fall.         “oh, dear. it seems the ring slipped past my fingers and disappeared into the unknown. whatever will i do now?” the mockery was unintentional, but he couldn’t help himself. leaning forward, he offered the sly creature a         dark glower of his own, one laced with something just as taunting.


     did  you  just..       poke me?


@hyrded    (  . . .  )     [        selene’s   lips   curled   into   a   wicked   grin   as   she   leaned   in   closer,   her   darkened   eyes   gleaming   with   mischief.   the   air   around   them   seemed   to   thrum   with   an   eerie   energy,   a   mix   of   darkness   and   playfulness   that   only   she   could   bring.   she   tilted   her   head,   her   long   black   hair   spilling   over   her   shoulders.      ]       oh,   did   I  ?     [      she   purred,   her   voice   smooth   and   teasing .      ]      I   didn’t   think   you’d   notice,   big   guy.   you’re   a   bit...   tense,   aren’t   you   ?    / so /   tense  ,   that   you   weren’t   listening   to   a   word   I   was   saying . 
                      [        her   finger   hovered   dangerously   close   to   his   chest,   just   inches   away,   before   she   tapped   him   again,   this   time   with   more   force,   as   if   daring   him   to   react.  a  perfectly   innocent   expression   formed   on   her   sharp   features   .      ]        oh   ,    don’t   worry   darling .   I    could   bite   you   instead   if   that’s   what   you’d   prefer   ?    . . .      [       she   trailed   off   with   a   wink .      ]         I   know   I   would . 


      selene, watch yourself. you’re drawing far too much unwanted       attention toward us.


@hyrded     (  . . .  )        [       as   soon   as    she    saw    that    sneer   appear   on   the    curve   of    his    lips ,     her   own   curled   up   into   a   pleased    grin .     ]       oh    don’t    look    at    me    like   that .    are   you    truly   any    better   than   I   am ?   … hm …    don’t    answer    that .       [      the    ravenette    hummed     thoughtfully    ,     gaze    wondering    briefly    over    the    crowd   of    people   .   they    flickered   back   over    to him    where   he   leaned   closer    out    of the corner   of    her    eye .     ]        never .   I   rather   like   how   my   ‘ incessant    chatter ‘    makes    that   jaw   of    yours   clench .    [      she   purred   mockingly    back ,    tilting    her   head    to    the   side   as    she    boldly    stepped    closer   ,    ringed    hand   lifting    to    drag   her    index    finger   down   his   jaw   slowly ,    as if    to   prove   her   point .   she sighed .      ]       do   you    not    tire   of    being    so    / boring / ?     I   don’t    want   anything from  you .    I    just    want   you    to   let    loose .   have    some   / fun / .   if   you   were   dragged here   ,   then   take   control   and   make    this    time   / yours / .   you   choose   your    own    destiny . 


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@-VAMPIRISMS-               an arch of his brow creased as it lifted, the corner of his mouth twisting into a sneer of disapproval. the tension in his posture spoke volumes, the weight of his obligations coiling tighter with every breath. given the circumstances, rurik found himself bound not only to his unrelenting duties but to her. her presence gnawed at his sanity, her voice a relentless         echo in the hollowed corridors of his mind. the very thought of her was a futile exercise in madness, needling at his composure and tainting the fragile semblance of peace he’d managed to carve out. “do you not tire of your incessant chatter, my lady?” he mocked, his voice a low growl as he leaned closer, his words carrying the sharp edge of disdain,       cutting through the air like a blade. with a grunt, he exhaled, the sigh decorating his tone with a veneer of begrudging restraint. “too bad—- i was fucking dragged here.” his gaze burned as it lingered, piercing and cold, yet simmering with restrained ire. “what do you want from me?”


@hyrded   (  . . .  )     who   says   it’s   unwanted   ?     I    rather   like   all   the   attention ,   darling  .     [      the   vampire   demon   hybrid    smirked    teasingly   ,    an   eyebrow   raising    as    she    twirled   a   curl   of   her   raven    hair    around    her   index    finger .   her   hand   soon   dropped   ,    staring   at    him    pointedly .      ]      if   it   / bothers /   you    so   much ,   then   leave   .   I   didn’t   ask    you    to   be   here ,    lurking    around   every   corner .    in   fact ,    it’s getting    rather    / annoying / .   