
"I want someone who attracts me or rather who attracts me.."she had on her black bikini underneath her short skirt and usual t-shirt outfit,he had a collar around his neck but no leash,she pouted and then placed her crossed arms under her breasts.


"I want someone who attracts me or rather who attracts me.."she had on her black bikini underneath her short skirt and usual t-shirt outfit,he had a collar around his neck but no leash,she pouted and then placed her crossed arms under her breasts.


Temari she was lying upside down on the sofa,with his belly touching the fabric,swings his legs back and forth..meanwhile she used her short skirt,her ass was so firm.and being the Kazekage's sister,he was sorting out application forms from other villages.
          "Mhmh...I have to be here lying on the sofa working..And he knows what to do.. "


"in life there is not only sex... but the little attentions we receive"
          for her Temari summer was already approaching and so she was trying on her black and also very provocative bikini which also had a collar connected to the whole bikini but without the leash...
          but she only cared about the importance of being with her brothers.


Temari was arranging her fan which she uses valiantly to figh,his was admiration for his Babyllorn,that Shikamaru who won his heart.she lies down on the sofa leaving her fan next to her. She had her legs ridden only using the short skirt.
          "I would love to see it that way.. Um.. Babyllorn.. so smart but lazy but the same genius moment.."her cheeks turn red because she was thinking about finding him shirtless.
          "only if he hadn't been like that... fussy and more cautious... I wouldn't have used the fan against him to make him fly away


@ mini_mochi_rikuuuuu  @desiredblxxd  Temari blushed when you heard that he just called her his girlfriend.
            "...you're late now...he's my only boyfriend now..so if you're around me... I'll gladly make you fly away with my fan,but we can just be friends! I belong to him now."


            “Leave my girlfriend alone.” 