
I heard this was your new account. I just wanted to say hello and such. 


@thunderlightning12 I agreed full heartedly Grace. I missed you and I'm glad your back. Something funny; I told my friends about Dusk and Addie. We were in the middle of a play when Addie died. We all desprately tried not to cry to not mess up our makeup. The next show night Dusk dies. We repeated the proscess. I told them about Dusk and Addie's kid and their imaginary 'ghost babies'. You've been one of my best partners. Ever. 
            One day, we might meet but problebnly not. Our friendship is a cord that keeps us connected and we, forever, will remeber each other.
            Ugh, so sappy. *vomit* that was so formle.


thunderlightning12 Hi.. 
            I'm sorry I didn't get in touch with you sooner.. and now I just read your reply on your account and I don't think it was cheesy. I thought it was sweet 
            I haven't been role-playing on this account, if you're wondering.. but literally just last night I was reading our old rp and getting all sentimental. Thanks for being such a great rp partner and even though I might not be able to rp with you I hope we can still be friends on here and get to know each other a bit better