✗.  cb some   STARTERS   for my reintroduction !  specify the mood


          three years —
          its been three years since we — stood in that field — and my life changed for good —
             that day — it all happened .. i made a promise to myself .. that id never let you out of my sight - that id never leave you.. that — i wouldn’t disappear -
            but i broke it — and all i can say is that im sorry — and i - i miss you — day after day - wanting to see you again - 
            but without you - everything sucks - its like.. when im not with you - that i’ve almost.. lost a part of myself -and i cant find it - without you - because — i mean your a part of me that i cant let go of .. nothin feels at rest anymore - 
          you gave me a love , that id never think id find . you’re kind , and caring , the only person who’ll put up with me despite how weird or - moody i am . . you make me smile on my worst days , and id only try to do the same , and you accept me for me - you see more in me then id never be able to find and for that - i thank you ..
          im .. lost right now.. i don’t really know what to say .. but .. happy anniversary...
              heres to four —
            i hope - youd still have me -
             your love and tenderness -
          - peter 


“ hey  ri  ,,  i  got  a  question  —  “  he  mutters  ,  waddling  into  the  room  “  do  you  blow  on  your  food  when  its  too  hot  ,  or  do  you  just  hsafashafsas  until  you  can  chew  it  ?  “


before  he  could  even  retort  back  —  hes  cut  off  by  the  other  &&  kisses  back  anyways  ,  his  hand  shifting  to  cup  her  cheek  gently  “  i  know  ,,  love  you  too  -  “  he  mumbles  against  her  lips


“ it’s okay — I love you. “ the girl smiled, arching her back up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips upside down.