wow, i really do not use this account much. whoops. sorry, i have had a lot going on in my personal life.


anyways, how has everyone been? i have been alright; i have been taking a lot of self-defense classes, i celebrated russfeiring (it is a bit hard to explain, but it is a norwegian practice meant for people about to graduate from upper secondary school), i graduated upper secondary school, and i am moving to florida to live with my girlfriend and attend valencia college! i also have been having a lot of health issues, mainly related to how much i have been working these days to pay for my move and visa and stuff like that. but i am so happy to be at this chapter of my life.


wow, i really do not use this account much. whoops. sorry, i have had a lot going on in my personal life.


anyways, how has everyone been? i have been alright; i have been taking a lot of self-defense classes, i celebrated russfeiring (it is a bit hard to explain, but it is a norwegian practice meant for people about to graduate from upper secondary school), i graduated upper secondary school, and i am moving to florida to live with my girlfriend and attend valencia college! i also have been having a lot of health issues, mainly related to how much i have been working these days to pay for my move and visa and stuff like that. but i am so happy to be at this chapter of my life.


if you are going to have the audacity to break into your ex-boyfriend's house and break his arm because he told you to leave him alone, at least do it when his parents and sister are out, because now you are having charges pressed against you with witnesses to testify that you are a psychotic bitch who has had an unhealthy obsession with my brother ever since he broke up with you three years ago.


i hope the norwegian prison system is able to rehabilitate you, but it sadly cannot work miracles.


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but thanks to your stupidity tonight, the police are finally listening to me when i tell them you have been stalking and harassing me ever since the breakup, so now i can file a restraining order against you. and you are getting kicked out of the uni you go to which you only joined because you knew my brother would be going there starting this year, and getting kicked out of his program. so now you have fucked up your ability to finish a culinary arts degree you did not even want AND cannot become a veterinarian since this will be on your record.


i have been having too much fun in florida. anyways, i am seeing sleeping with sirens in a week with @bluemingkids, so if you have any song recommendations, i would love them!


why would we give u recs ur literally staying in the same apartment as two of the biggest sws fans on this planet just go talk to thea or ida for five minutes


you all should have seen the look on @sunshineyuyu's face when me and his girlfriend took him inside a hot topic after we finished our trip to the kpop store. it was priceless, haha.


oh god i can only imagine how shocked he must've been. i remember one time me him and ida were at the mall by her and he was dragging us between all the bright stores and we were so scared someone would see us and call us posers lol


we were trying to find them some matching clothes since they are going to the stray kids concert in atlanta, and oh my god, he was not impressed with us trying to make him emo.


i am currently sobbing my eyes out in a bathroom stall because i checked my phone during class to see that three more members left to1, one of which being my bias (minsu). good thing i do not have to go to work today, because i think i will be crying all day about this.


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[ @6IXENSE ] i would rather to1 still be under n.ch entertainment, and i am a fan of nature, so that is really saying something. this is a survival show group, why are so many members leaving when they COMPETED for their spots in the group? and coincidentally, all four members who left were cute/known for being more feminine, and three of them were replaced by new members who look to be more masculine, all while they are having a concept switch to a mature one.
            it is fucking shady and heartbreaking. at this point, to1 should just disband, and the ORIGINAL ten members should join another company and re-debut.


HUH??? *blinks aggressively* what the hell wakeone is HORRIBLY managing to1


i already cry a lot at work anyways since it is a fast food chain, but still. i personally do not want to give customers their food while i am fighting back tears and have mascara stains on my cheeks.




@daehwiez ugh, that sucks. i understand i do not like men and the game probably knows that, but this is ray! he has been my comphet boy since 2016, and tomodachi life did not let me date him? madness!