Elena walked through the halls of Auradon Prep, searching for the daughter of Elsa and Jack as she hurried through the hallway, clenching a piece of paper in her hand. She exhaled a sigh of relief as she spotted white and blue hair, rushing over to her best friend. “Emie, there you are! You needed me?” She asked, showing her the piece of paper which had Emie’s neat handwriting on it. “I don’t know if I can help with another prank, I got in enough trouble last time-”


             ❄︎ “Thank you Lena! Thank you thank you thank you!“ Emie exclaims, grasping her bestie in for a hug. “Now mi mejor amiga“ she imitates, “we’ll have to come up with a plan~“


₊˚ପ⊹ ¡ @-SNOWYEMIE- ! ༉
            Elena crossed her arms, a smirk on her face as she shook her head with a laugh, nodding. “You’re lucky I’d do anything for mi mejor amiga!” She said before shaking her head. “Will that boy NEVER learn? He’s so maleducado-” She huffed, her curls bouncing as she spoke. “It’s time we stop him for good!”


            ❄︎ “Pleaseee Lena? Chad just tricked ANOTHER girl into doing his homework, and I need to get some revenge before he accuses them!“ Emie turned to her bestie, playing with her snowflake pendant. “And it was just a phone call! Please Lenaa?”