bro sudanese weddings over everything!!!


tell me why i got hit on by a grown man yesterday?!!!


@-cosmolust | ikkk he was like “16?!” didn’t even say sorry and just rode off. crazy work 


@-SANTANDAVESLVR — the fact that he just cycled away is insane to me.......


@-CERT1FIEDJUDELVR | basically i was walking and he was a delivery cyclist and asked which way to go so i tried to show him right. then i walked away because i wasn’t much help and he cycled a bit. then he stopped and asked if i was single. i just stood there and was like “i’m 16?!!!” and he cycled away. i was too stunned to say anything else 


so i’m gonna update my trent book soon but after that i’m gonna slow down on that fic, the jobe fic and the hector fic. i just wanna get far with the dave and cench one before i do anything else with the others because they’re all linked. since the jude book is a standalone it will be updated regularly ( well my version of regularly ) and this way i don’t have to focus on too many books at once and lose motivation.