
I want to write more but i have so much problems with how to write and stuff and i keep getting stuck on the storyline..


@angelic_seavey yeahh but i don’t know how to go from where i left, after that it will go easy, i already wrote some chapters but there need to be some in between those and the last chapter):


@bluewdw Your story is amazing and I'm sure you'll figure it out. Just write all the ideas down in a diary idk. It helps me lol


@notmyproblemdude btw,, i love your username hahaha


I want to write more but i have so much problems with how to write and stuff and i keep getting stuck on the storyline..


@angelic_seavey yeahh but i don’t know how to go from where i left, after that it will go easy, i already wrote some chapters but there need to be some in between those and the last chapter):


@bluewdw Your story is amazing and I'm sure you'll figure it out. Just write all the ideas down in a diary idk. It helps me lol


@notmyproblemdude btw,, i love your username hahaha