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Gotta go do shit, I’ll be back soon to reply and send starts to everyone. Kisses <3


          	  // take your time! <3


          Modern : 
          Ikari is mafia boss of the well known gang, ‘ the corrupt angels ‘ The gang is known for it’s two powerful leaders and brute mentality. They take their Territory very seriously and punishes anybody who walks upon it without a reason. ;)


@-Lost_B0y-     ..
            Ikari would laugh and Gomon - Sho would be sooo upset.


            ︴oooh  i’m  up  for  it— 


god , I was gone for a while :sob: 
          Sorry bout that —
          Cb, let’s try to get some muse up for this guy


answering everything I can find rn ( pms included )


; late cb reply 
          they say it was haunted. that creepy chaple standing all too intact compared to the ruined village all around it. no one has gone there in years, yet there was still whispers and rumours of people seeing movment inside. sounds of prayers at night, but most of all, terrible clinching noises of chain in the cellar. no ine dared to go in to investigate any further .


⠀ ⠀⠀"whatever  you  are,  my  domain  is  not  for  outsiders  to  take  shelter."     the cold voiced spoke as he stood there looking slightly up at the figure of a man who happened to be lurking within his domain.      "leave  while  I'm  asking  nicely."     giving a irritated tone, four blood red eyes holding a superior gaze.


           K͟ə͟n͟ā́͟͟ʿ͟a͟n͟        glared    at   the  male, 
           the   animosity    between   them  ..   sizzled     upon   hot     flames,   rusing   only    more  madness.     Perhaps,   it   was     the   lack    of    humanity     in   the   mortal’s      heart,     for     he    appeared  ..    As     arrogant     as       Caesar,     and    as    insane   as   thought   of    a    patient      from    a   mental    asylum. 
                         “Behave   yourself!”       He’d     warn, 
              losing    his   temper    at   the   dinner   table,    “You    are   a  guest    in  this  castle,   yet   more   one   more    haste    comment   and   I   will   throw  you    out   of   my    home      myself.      You     dare    not      tease,     for   your   words   are   forbidden ..      You      are    but   a    man    of    little   regard.     Such     respect,     love   itself,     comes   not   of   your   black   heart.”


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ﮩـ ⠀⫘⫘⫘⠀. ﮩـ
                    This    man,     Káel     glared    and   thought,    was   anything   but   a  royal   pain    in   the  arse.    The      king   had   taken  upon   himself    to  send   a  royal    invitation   to   the   grand  ball    to   gather   and   discuss    more   plans    for   prosperity    between   two     nations,     yet   the   prince,     felt   not      what   his   father   did.    Merely,    he   was  beginning   to     loathe    this   creature,      this   monster!          His      blood      boiled    in   fury,     his     hardened,    mismatched   hues   were   nothing   but   a  seething   glare   at   the   other. 
                    “You     seem    to     have   come   without   manners,   I   suppose,”      jutting   his   chin  in   superiority,    “I   do   not   appreciate   vile   or   inappropriate   jokes   to   be   made   afore   my  presence.    If    you   wish   to  continue,    I   will  have   to   ..   personally    escort   from   this  table,   my    lord.            We   sitting   in   front   of    thirty,    high   royals.     Do   you   not   feel  ashamed?”        A     lethal      hiss,      of       quieted   voice,     was   intended    only   for   the  other   hear.


@civilis        ..
               How .. pitiful. Honestly,  what .. ruler can ‘ t handle a few jokes ? hm ? A small chuckle fell from Gomon - Sho ‘ s lips and he carelessly picked at the food , purposely dropping food onto the beautiful marble floor just to piss the other off . 
               “ how sad , can ‘ t even take a few /jokes/, my lord? “ he teased yet again , knowing he would be yelled at . He was invited . For what again ? Maybe /gomon - sho/ wasn’t invited personally but since he was in control of Ikari’s body , he was the one who had to attend instead of the deity , which wasn ‘ t the best idea . . 
               “ Awh . Don ‘ t kick me out ! I was having so much fun , my friend ! “ he feigned sadness .


“Thank you for letting me stay here.” Satin smiled softly, looking at him before looking out the window. They’d tried to go home once their clothes were dry but it was clear the village didn’t want them back, so they were a refugee here. 
          “You’re so kind, I wish I could repay you somehow.” They’d basically become a bit of a stylist for the king, almost like a fashionable house pet. They were so cute it was hard to resist spending time with them 


They were sat near him, lounging happily with some sewing on your lap. “I’ll repay you by making, mending and styling your clothes. I hope that’s enough.” 
            They turned with a smile to watch him,”I would love to stay forever but I’m sure I can find a new home.@


@satinic-        ..
               “ of course.. You’re way to kind to be staying out there all alone... “ he said softly, leaning back in his throne. He watched Satin with amusement, smiling ever so slightly. 
            “ repay me? If you think of any way, I’ll gladly accept it. “ he said, “ But you can stay here as long as you need. I’m happy to have some .. company.. it gets lonely here.. “