
((Well! Since no one seems to have come to greet you, hello! :) I'm Chrissy, and this is Nicholas.))
          Nicholas: *grumbling*
          ((Sorry 'bout him hun, he's a little grumpy. Feel free to PM me anytime for a roleplay!))


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@_Bite_Me ((┐(‘~`;)┌  Nothin' I can do about it I suppose. I'll try to find some cool people.  I wish I could move to California! I'm stuck in fucking Cheese country, stupid Wisconsin.))
            *Mikayla jumps and hides behind Jack, who just stares curiously* 
            Jack: You, obviously. *not sassy, giving an honest answer*


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@-Misfits- ((Awwww, they ignore you!? :( That sucks. You gotta find the really cool people. And I knew a girl named Sura once, back in elementary school. She moved away to California.))
            Nicholas: ....The fuck are you all staring at?


@_Bite_Me ((Hiya Chrissy! ≧◡≦ I'm Sura, it's nice to meet you! I've got way too many characters to introcuce like you did, haha... *sweatdrop*))
            *everyone sort of waves at Nicholas warily* 
            ((⊙︿⊙ Yeah. I'll be sure to keep you in mind! I haven't met a lot of friendly people, most everyone ignores me...But I'm sure that'll change! Thanks!))