Hola! I'm Madrid. My human name that I was given was Alejandro Fernàndez Carriedo. My last name might sound familiar because of mi hermano mayor Antonio Fernàndez! My hermano and I are very similar we both like churros, playing guitar and more. While he has his tomatoes I prefer manzanas (apples). I like to climb big apple trees and sit on the branches while I eat an apple, take a nap, or play guitar. I also enjoy dancing Ballet folklorico, but Antonio likes bull fighting or whatever.
My favorite color is red
I like music, festivals, apples, and I love our country flower a red carnation! Antonio got me a hair clip of it when I was younger, y me encantó! I don't have it on my hair anymore, I clipped it on my jacket instead.
Well that's all for now, me tengo que ir!
  • JoinedMarch 9, 2017