
your loved, i know everyone says it but i really do mean it... i know i don't get on here as much but i have had both amazing and horrorible things happen, even though i might not return your text or post, or look at others post as much as i used to doesn't mean i don't care about yall xoxo lemon demon <33


your loved, i know everyone says it but i really do mean it... i know i don't get on here as much but i have had both amazing and horrorible things happen, even though i might not return your text or post, or look at others post as much as i used to doesn't mean i don't care about yall xoxo lemon demon <33


how was your valentines? I don't just point this at couples im talking to the singles too!! It should be of love, self love being one of them, you can also show love to friends.


@-Lemon-Demon- Oh I gave out a bunch of valentines to all my friends and I got nothing in return (:


Hello from 2024!!!


@MonotoneIX  great it has been awhile sents i have posted


Hey do you listen to Lemon Demon? And if you don't, why did you take the lemon demon user?


@Vergil_DMC5 I originally made my user name lemon demon because that is my writer name is (i like lemons and am in a christian steating so i like to rebel), i didn't Realize that it was a band till after i changed it, but i  do like some of there songs


Sooooo hi guys... love you<3
          i bet you are doing great things, and if you think your not they will be great things some day


@-Lemon-Demon- Awww ^^ that's so sweet! Thank you!


There was go, got a new profile 
          and i hope you all are feeling well<3