
Yay, I love not being able to talk to the one person I love more than anything literally ever and then feeling like they've forgotten you've excisted aannndd feeling the corresponding emotion of crIpPliNg dEpReSsIOn  
          	pleaseendmysufferinggggg kms


Hello? Sorry if I am speaking to the complete wrong person but, is this Grillbz...? It's Delta. And very sorry if this is the wrong person. 


Oh hai Grillbz ^^


Dis is Grillbz ^-^


          Okay so another thought, because this song is a sweet sorrow. I love this song because when I go outside in the middle of the night, it only makes me realize even more so how alive the world is, even when no one notices cause they're asleep or at work. The skies brightest lights are turned on, the crickets are calling out to one another, the traffic lights desperately flashing in their loneliness, the streets finally resting. The overwhelming calm of it all, and the fact that the universe isn't just some wall above us, painted with these pretty little white dots, but something deep, worlds that are actually out there, and the fact that there's no one here beside me, to understand the utter insanity going on in my brain, or to just look up with me, and take it all in despite everyone else being asleep in their own little homes. So this song makes me happy, but it also makes me sad. It's so overwhelmingly warm and yet lonely. I love it.