
I crave the sweet, succulent, juicy release of death.
          	- Nugg


Page 3 of A Deer in the Road is out! Lots of feels n stuff. Not the good kind either. It's starting to take a darker turn than I thought it'd go but I'm not going to lie, it's juicy.   Page four is in the works and it gets real angsty and kinda serious. I just hope you guys like it lmao. Till next time, friends.
          - Nugg


Keep in mind I have no strict plot set so while I have goals and subplots planned, there is no path set in stone for this story. You're seeing it develop as I do.
            - Nugg


I made a new thing because I don't know how to stop creating and to just stick to one thing at a time :D
          It's a horror short story book that's going to be filled with short stories written by me. The first short story is out. If you're interested go check it out. Its called Horrifics.
          - Nugg


Page 2 of A Deer in the Road is out! I plan to start getting more action into the story but for right now I'm trying to lay a few things out for you. Trust that it will get juicier as it goes. For now, enjoy the angst >:)
          - Nugg


And thank god for my hyper-focusing because otherwise, I would not be able to get these pages out as I have been.
            - Nugg


Page 1 of A Deer in the Road has been published! It's only 810 words but I'm still getting into it, I promise there will be longer chapters in the future! I really hope you enjoy it, I'm much happier with the results of this page 1 rather than the last one.


I don't know if you still on this account, or if you remember me. But Hi maemae, I miss youu


@quin20002 Yes I remember you. I actually still go by Mae. I use it for my gamertag in any games I play. Though, most just call me Fray. My gamertag is FrayaMae.