
Hi there, everyone!
          	I'll update marionette soon don't worry. I'm not dead. :] 
          	But what you all think about a sanji x reader? Cause it's coming, for sure!
          	Also if you have any question of any of my stories ask away <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> 
          	I'll be glad to answer, but I won't reveal any spoilers!! 
          	Take care of yourself, everyone!


@Levi_still_a_simp why so sweet?! Istg, I'm currently on a little mess of events but I'm doing alright, yes. And you? I'm glad to hear that your liking my books, it really means the world to me that you, readers, are liking them that much!! I also want to thank you for following, your always welcome here, I'm quite lazy on updates but I really hope that you will still stay, tho I finally got my computer back so I can start working on new chapters soon!~


@-CaramelSweet- I hope you are doing well I love your books! Even if I just followed you. I hope you'll post the marionette story soon!!


Hi there, everyone!
          I'll update marionette soon don't worry. I'm not dead. :] 
          But what you all think about a sanji x reader? Cause it's coming, for sure!
          Also if you have any question of any of my stories ask away <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> 
          I'll be glad to answer, but I won't reveal any spoilers!! 
          Take care of yourself, everyone!


@Levi_still_a_simp why so sweet?! Istg, I'm currently on a little mess of events but I'm doing alright, yes. And you? I'm glad to hear that your liking my books, it really means the world to me that you, readers, are liking them that much!! I also want to thank you for following, your always welcome here, I'm quite lazy on updates but I really hope that you will still stay, tho I finally got my computer back so I can start working on new chapters soon!~


@-CaramelSweet- I hope you are doing well I love your books! Even if I just followed you. I hope you'll post the marionette story soon!!