
this message may be offensive
I hope you log on and see this. >.< bitch you lied about a lot of shit. But yet you're no where to be found. <.< I'm sleep though. You run 19 accounts though, but you still ain't on this one though. I'm still sleep though. ._. You lied about having cancer, when people lose their loved ones at any moment from cancer. And not to mention 7.6 million people die from cancer worldwide each year. And my grandfather was one of those 7.6 million that passed away from cancer last year. So cancer is nothing to play with at all. And I find it disrespectful that you lied about having cancer as well, because for one it's a serious disease that kills you. You lied about being in a mental hospital when you wasn't. >.< I serious think after everything you just pulled you need to be in a tight ass straight jacket and four tight padded walls. Crazy ass chick. >.< God forgive for what I'm about to say. Please? But I hope I catch you on the street one day so I can twist your ass in a pretzel.. Wait.. Matter of fact I'll just slice your ass up with my cutting razor. >.< Suicide is a serious matter as well. Because for one, I was once put in a mental hospital when I was 8 because I attempted to hang myself after my Nana passed away. >.< So suicide is serious as well because 40,000 teenagers / adults commit each year. Whether it's depression problems, family issues, bullying, etc.. The damn list goes on and on. So suicide isn't nothing to play with either. -_- I got multiple personalities just my momma outside of roleplay. 1. There's the nice me. Who cares for you. 2. There's the rude me. Who doesn't care about anyone's feelings. 3. There's my evil twin Ainhas. <.< (I know that's my name backwards) >.< I'm either between number 2 and 3. But I'm gonna finish this up by saying.
          I Hope You Go To Hell With Gasoline Drawers On. -.-
          P.s my granddaddy say that people who lie is gonna go to hell with gasoline drawers on. <.<
          So have fun in hell with your gasoline drawers on.
          -Shania Marie