
Hello, people who are following. I'm not coming back, but I'm just gonna do a permit delete soon


Dear (Y/N),
          I would like to inform you that I will not be on as much as I usually am starting tonight at 9:30 am Central American. 
          This reason is because my school starts tomorrow. It is a half a day, so I will be on for twenty minutes or ten minutes. I have to go to a city limit to where there is no wifi. So I have no clue when I will be on tomorrow < August 21st >. 
          If you RP with me then I'm sad to inform you, that you'll not get my speedy replies till a certain in the day. When school starts, so does my mind. That means less RPing, more writing my books and school things.
          Sometimes I won't be on besides to read a wattpad book or so. 
          I do plan on being active outside of Wattpad. I will be at church < this was a forced decision > CYO and Bible Study. I will be doing school activities. Those include 4H, clubs, and helping out with school projects.
          I'm going into 8th grade. And productivity is good since I need to get good grades to finish school and pass the grade. 
          So I hope you understand.
          Thank you,
          Sasuko Huyu
          ( Note ; I will mostly be on my @SasukoHuyu account to finish a book for release in Feb.)