Hey my names Adrianna Frost, and I am a mom to two beautiful girls, Glacier and Emily Frost. My background picture is a picture of my girls when they were little. On the left is Emily and on the right is Glacier. Both of them are twins. 

Both of them are trybrids ( witch, werewolf, vampire )

@-GlacierFrost- you are just like your father, you are smart, caring and protective over friends and family just like him. Your not so great at hunting yet but you will get better, you may have a bitchy attitude but that's just your personality and there's nothing wrong with that. You are perfect and don't ever change yourself for the worst.

@-EmilyFrost- Em, your personality is just like mine, you are caring, sweet and very outgoing. You get along well with other people, and you are a great hunter like me, you are protective but not as much as your sister, and thats okay. You are perfect the way you are too, and don't ever change yourself for the worst either.

To both of you, @-GlacierFrost- and @-EmilyFrost- You are very special, and very beautiful. You two deserve the best, and I know that I may not have always been there when you needed it, but I will fix it, and I will try to be the better mother you guys deserve. I love both of you very much.

• Facts
• I am a witch.
• I am 208 years old (26 years old)
• I stopped aging at 26
• Hurt my daughters or play with their hearts I will hurt you.
• Don't ever doubt my word
• The dog in my Profile picture is my dog Cooper.
• " Old enough to be your great x6 Grandma " ~unknown
• My husband died in a car crash

Relationship stats
{ singe } yeah I am
{ taken } Seriously? what do you think... no I'm not
{ Crushing } No not right now
{ looking } No not really
  • with my kids
  • JoinedAugust 12, 2016