
I know why they put authorized shut on Wattpad inbox now
          	They know we're pissed
          	And they know that if we got any message form them, we'd be sure to spam them with insults and curse words
          	They think they're smart, huh?
          	Wait until they check the comments of their recent chapter.


@--_L0V3LY_ST4RZ_-- Wait we're meant to comment on their books? Wouldn't that give them the satisfaction of getting attention though?


r u lovely?




*plays with follow button*




@-AM3L1AS_AL1V3- Mhm sure
            Bro going thru such an identity crisis they gotta make 2 accs


this message may be offensive
@-AM3L1AS_AL1V3- What do you even want from us?  I've told you I don't like you anymore and you still fuck with Eleanor and I
            Just fuck off ffs




@-_L0V1N_OD3C0R3_- Ok bye! Have fun with your pathetic life


@-_L0V1N_OD3C0R3_- Stfu u attention seeking hoe.  Just leave.


You are the sun that shines brightly throughout my day
          You are the gravity that holds me down in every way
          You are the moon that shimmers throughout my night
          You are stars that glimmer oh so bright
          You are the oxygen that keeps me alive
          You are my heart that beats inside
          You are the blood that flows through me
          You are the only guy I can see
          You have the voice of when a mockingbird sings
          You are my everything
          You are my one and only
          You stop me from being so lonely
          We plan our future as if we have a clue
          I never want to lose you
          I want you to be my husband, and I want to be your wife
          I want to be with you for the rest of my life


I hope today went well for you!!!!


@--_L0V3LY_ST4RZ_-- I was boutta have a snarky response-


One thing I ask of you...
          Love me for who I am
          and be true.
          Love me as a fish loves the sea,
          how the bird loves to sing.
          Love me as a bee loves its honey,
          as an angel love his wings.
          Love me and hold me tight
          as you tell me everything is all right.
          Love me and guard me with all your might
          as you hold me near at night.
          Love me as I lay a kiss upon your lips,
          as the heart in my chest flips.
          (Yes I'm sending you poems everyday so you know how much I love you)


            I know you will, my Ryu, which is why you have my heart completely and I'm all yours <3333333


            I shall fulfill my everyday duties, my Hazel<33