The Vanishing of L.A.'s Young: The...by jhguppy123
When a series of mysterious disappearances shrouds the city's youth, a group of courageous individuals must unravel a chilling conspiracy that threatens to consume them...
Mother Knows Bestby Alan Sidransky
Detectives Tolya Kurchenko and Pete Gonzalvez are sent on a what appears to be a routine nuisance call their first week on NYC's new Citywide Terrorism Task Force. Litt...
The Corsican Dove (excerpt)by Thomas de Kooning
Private Eye Ramone Ramone is approached one night by a mysterious woman offering him $10,000 to find a rare book. It seems her son has joined a cult and offered its guru...
The Final Cutby Enigma Explorers
In the glittering world of Hollywood, where dreams are made and shattered in equal measure, a sinister plot is about to unravel...
Detective Jack Hawthorne thought he'd...