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  • Wishful Thinking
    33.5K 2.7K 18

    ǁ six lines of whimsy from when the mind wanders aimlessly.

  • Stolen Memoirs #Wattys2015
    1.8K 342 49

    Short prose and poetry. Raw and unprecedented. Read with caution. "Because it doesn't take a genius to enjoy the silence of a madman with a loud chaos in his head. " "Victory is upon those who claim the battle before it becomes bloody." GG . Rank #16 27/8/2015 Rank #10 30/8/2015 Rank #6 01/9/2015

  • Reflect & Decay
    917 10 39

    Echoes ring out, reflect upon the world and decay. Nothing is fixed. Nothing final. These poems likewise reflect upon the world, some may find purchase in supple earth, others may strike upon harsher surfaces, fading away in time. Only you may be present to hear them. Their meaning known to you alone. Without you, the...

  • Storm and Silence
    115M 5.1M 102

    "It is your choice," he said, stepping so close to me that our lips were almost touching. "Either do what I say - or get another job." My heart stood still as I gazed up into his deep, dark, dangerous eyes... In a world where women's only role in life is to sit at home and look pretty, Lilly is determined to f...

  • shades of blue
    2M 142K 68

    Charlie doesn't speak, so he paints.

  • What I Never Said
    880 38 9


  • A Daughter's Tale
    253 20 1

    It's a poem dedicated to my dad

  • Shadows
    179K 13K 56

    ǁ [WATTPAD FEATURED BOOK 2.4.2016] Shadows that whisper your name. ǁ #23 on 11/23/15
