Art Of Average Awesomeness
Wait, what? Why did you click on this junky cover? Why are you even bothering to read this description? Oh... You were expecting me to say something like: 'Hallo! I'm AveragelyAwesome, but you can call me Safira *winks*. I can't believe that I'm on my second book of art, you guys and gals! Hope you enjoy :) And vote...
Averagely Awesome Art
Hallo! Thanks for clicking on my lame cover! This book will probably get -4372 reads, lost in the vast sea of other art books. WARNING: May contain art so terrible that it will make your eyeballs disintegrate/ run away from your face/ blame you for their life problems and sue you PROCEED WITH CAUTION
Completed -
My Art Book 3.0!!!
Wow. Book 3.0. Great :D Well anyways, I mostly post random stuff in these XD Ah well, and remember to Shine On, my Little Warriors!!!