Imagine #40: Tattoo

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Imagine #40.. YAY!

Someone had requested that I put Jade into an imagine so I will.. tattoo wise that is..

Please note that the place and people in this imagine are real (expect the tattoos.. yet)



You walked into your favorite tattoo parlor, Wildside Tattoos.

"Morning Miss Kim." You said to the co owner Kim. Kim and her husband own the place and this is where you get every tattoo. So far you have two tattoos. One, your daughters name Jade Lynn with her birth date on it August 16, 2011. You also had a tattoo of a quote from Divergent "Don't try to define me" on your other arm. That tattoo was for you because you didn't like it when people try to tell you who you are they always got it wrong.

"Hey Miss (Y/N). Here for another tattoo?" Kim asked.

"Yup. Is Richie in?" You asked. She nodded.

"He is, but he is working on someone at the moment." Kim said. You nodded, hearing the buzzing sound coming from the back. "He should be done soon." Kim said. You nodded and filled out the form you have to fill out every time. "Do you know what you are going to get?" 

"I was thinking about a design we were talking about the last time I was here." I said. Kim nodded and I went to sit on the couch by the wall. There was some magazines on the table in front of you. You grabbed one and started to go through. The door opened and some people come in. You felt the couch dip next to you as someone sat down next to you. You just continued to flip through the magazine. Someone talked to Kim, but you didn't pay attention. You heard the buzzing of the tool stop and then Richie came out a few minutes later along with the other tattoo artist, Nikki.

"(Y/N) you're turn." Richie says while Nikki looks at the person standing in front of Kim.

"I guess you're my next victim." Nikki said. The person nodded and you all headed into the back. You seat down with your back facing Richie since the tattoo was going onto the corner of your back. You looked ahead of you to see the person sitting the same way you were while Nikki got ready for his tattoo.

"Hey." he said. You winced as Richie started to do the tattoo. "It helps if you don't think about what he is doing and focus on something else." he said. You nodded and focused on him. He was blonde. He had green eyes. You could see the tattoos on his shoulders. One was a skull with designs on it and the other was a stitched heart. "I didn't mean focus on me." he chuckled.

"Sorry." you said, blushing.

"It's okay. I'm Kendall." he said.

"(Y/N)." You said. You smiled at Kendall. You two talked while you both got the tattoos, the pain for yours being barely notable as Kendall kept you focused on your conversation. You got done before Kendall and was about to leave when the person on the couch stood in front of you.

"(Y/N)?" the guy asked. You nodded. "My name is Dustin. Kendall wanted me to see if you would join us for dinner after he finishes his tattoo." Dustin asked. You didn't think twice before saying yes and sitting down with Dustin and waiting for Kendall.

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