
Okay so all of you may be confused on why my old Giyuutan oneshot book has been removed, that was wattpads doing and allow me to explain why.. 
          	So this morning. I received a message from Wattpads account and they told me that due to multiple guideline violations, this book will be getting taken down for safety. 
          	Now I didn't want to argue ofc so I said nothing, thankfully they didn't take down any other things so that's nice ig.. 
          	I'm sorry that this has happened, have a nice rest of your day/noon/evening or night


Okay so all of you may be confused on why my old Giyuutan oneshot book has been removed, that was wattpads doing and allow me to explain why.. 
          So this morning. I received a message from Wattpads account and they told me that due to multiple guideline violations, this book will be getting taken down for safety. 
          Now I didn't want to argue ofc so I said nothing, thankfully they didn't take down any other things so that's nice ig.. 
          I'm sorry that this has happened, have a nice rest of your day/noon/evening or night