
I am now doing Warriors book cover requests, so please ask, and remember, I can only have 5 REQUESTS AT ONE TIME.


Fav color:blue
          Fav food: too many to choose from, idk
          Fav animal: wolf 
          Fav book: again, too many to choose from
          Fav game: When it comes to video games, it just has to be any of the Uncharted games. Fun fact: This happens to be the first video game I ever played, as well. Now if you mean board game, it is probably going to be the game Sorry because there's nothing better than knocking someone back to start in a game. However, if you mean card game, then it's a tie between Uno and the game BS for now, anyway. 


Fave color : Everything!
          Fave Food : Umm.. everyFood
          Fave Book : ....dunno
          Fave Animal : Dogs, cats ,Foxes
          Fave Game : Fnaf, Pixel gun 3d


Hey Tiger Star! Thanks for following me!!! (>^×^<)


@Tiger_Star_Girl favourite color: red; food: steak with smashed potatoes; book: too many to remember at the moment>.< ; animal: bunnies; game: Shall we date? destiny ninja2+