
Hey there guys!
          	Really sorry that I haven't updated for a while, I am still working on PoE, never fear! But I am currently working more on my script so I can try and finish it and move on to actually filming it :) It's coming along fairly well, but I need a bit more time. 
          	I will actually be updating PoE at some point this weekend because I kinda feel like I have to, so stay tuned for that one. And, if any of you lovelies follow me on Archive Of Our Own, I may indeed be adding a new piece to my High School Reunion Series... Starring a certain King of Hell ;) 
          	So, ciao for now, nerds! 
          	Kate xxx


Your book is... just... wow... 
          The writing is really really good and I’m so surprised that it hasn’t blown up yet because it’s so well written!


@Braksburgh4ever Thank you so much! I'm thrilled that you like it, and I'm totally flattered. You literally made my day with your comment, thank you!!


Hey there!! I saw that you added my story to your reading list and I just wanted to thank you, it means the world to me  
          xx Cindy


@Braksburgh4ever  Hi! Your story sounds really good, and I really cannot wait to get started to be honest. :D I'm glad that it made you so happy :) 
            Kate xx


Hey there guys!
          Really sorry that I haven't updated for a while, I am still working on PoE, never fear! But I am currently working more on my script so I can try and finish it and move on to actually filming it :) It's coming along fairly well, but I need a bit more time. 
          I will actually be updating PoE at some point this weekend because I kinda feel like I have to, so stay tuned for that one. And, if any of you lovelies follow me on Archive Of Our Own, I may indeed be adding a new piece to my High School Reunion Series... Starring a certain King of Hell ;) 
          So, ciao for now, nerds! 
          Kate xxx


JUST FINISHED THE BOOK OUTLINE!!!! Finally. I can safely say that it is not bad at all. Hopefully this is the end of procrastination... x'D Yeah right. 
          In other news, the newest chapter should be up in the next few days, followed by updated chapters. Nothing story altering, just grammar and a few inconsistencies etc. You won't need to bother rereading unless you really want to. 
          Remember, I am also on Figment (Kate__Fell) and you can read it there. Thoughts, and reviews are highly encouraged, as is constructive criticism. Hope you are enjoying it so far, and I hope to keep entertaining you. 
          Kate xx


Okay, Chapter Three is up! Go read it because this one, though it may be long, it is a wild ride!
          Remember, you can follow me on Twitter(Kate__Fell), Tumblr(kateinnecaelia), and Figment (Kate__Fell) and receive exclusive info on characters, history, lore etc. And, on my twitter feed you will get updates on the novel. 
          Enjoy the chapter people. 
          Kate xx


Hey guys!!
          Those of you that are interested in my novel, Princess of Erasithia, you can follow me on Tumblr on my blog exclusively for my work. 
          Follow kateinnecaelia.tumblr.com to get exclusive info on legends, myths, creatures, family histories of the characters, and other tidbits that may not make it into the books! You can also follow me on twitter Kate__Fell to get updates on the novel, and any other projects of mine.


I wanted to say that my thoughts are with the victims of the Paris attacks last night. I'm sending you all love and light. I know that may not seem like much, and I wish I was able to do more. Remember, if you need a safe place to stay and you live in Paris, the tag PorteOuvert is for you! To everybody else, stay safe, and hang on in there. And please, let's all remember, this is NOTHING to do with the refugees, so DO NOT take this out on them. They have been trying to get away from the monsters responsible for these attacks. 
          Again, stay safe, and we'll help you through this! 
          Kate xx