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  • Spirit Wolf: LOTR
    37.5K 738 24

    What happens when a two week old white wolf pup appears in Rivendell? How takes it in? What happens when the pup starts showing signs of having special powers and is immortal? What powers does it possess? Can it control them? Is it a boy or girl? What happens when it joins the company to destroy the one ring? Picture...

  • Saphira in the Hobbit
    54.5K 1.4K 24

    You have all read or watched the Hobbit and know that 13 dwarves, a hobbit & wizard set out on a quest. But what if a young elf maiden joined them on their quest to reclaim their home of Erebor from the dragon. Saphira does not know who her family is until Gandalf told her of the quest. She was raised in Lothlorien by...

  • Frodo's Older Sister: LOTR
    20K 527 28

    I'm sure you've all heard of Frodo Baggins from the Shire. You've also no doubt hard of his uncle Bilbo. But have you heard of his older sister, Freya? She is the Shire's head healer, there are others of course. But she was the most trained. This story will be about how she joined the Fellowship of the Ring, how she h...

  • Cousin of Bilbo Baggins: The Hobbit
    38.1K 776 25

    I'm sure you've all heard of Bilbo Baggins and of his adventures to reclaim Erebor for the dwarves. But have you heard of his younger cousin Astrid? She was the Shire's protector since her parents died and was able to defend herself. She knows how to weld an axe and sword. But only ever left the Shire for a short whil...

  • The Dame of Dúnedain
    40.2K 1.1K 53

    Alaina was the miracle daughter of Arathorn II, second in line to be heir of Eriador after her older brother, Aragorn II. Spending all of her life waiting for the return of her family's heritage back to Eriador, the time has finally come, and Alaina is overwhelmed. Though when she realizes that she should begin starti...

  • I Hear Your Heart Beat To The Beat Of the Drum - The Hobbit FanFic
    6.1K 220 7

    Fili or Kili? ~previously under construction~ !BEING REWRITTEN AS ANOTHER BOOK - RIPTIDES!

  • Like Lightning (LOTR fanfic)
    4.6K 129 7

    "I thought you loved me." i tell him, my life, the one person who ever understood me. "no. not anymore," legolas whispers when my tears fall. " i hardly loved you anyway." He whispers harshly, "It was fake, i never loved you, and i never will."...

  • Thranduil x reader short story *finished*
    13K 424 8

    Hello there dear reader! If you are just as enchanted by the beauty of king Thranduil as I am, you should read this short story. What are you waiting for? Ready to travel to Middle-Earth with me? Let's go then! Hurry! The king awaits your arrival with impatience...

  • Un intrusa nella Terra di mezzo
    4.2K 168 7

    Tutto nasce in Alagaesia. Una terra incredibile in cui vivono creature straordinarie come: i nani, gli Uragali ed i draghi con i loro Cavalieri. Essi sono umani o elfi legati dalla magia ed un affetto speciale per questi magnifici ma anche letali esseri sputa fuoco. Camilla è una ragazza di diciassette anni, figlia d...

  • Sereg o Eledh (Sangue di Elfo)
    27.3K 1.2K 40

    ** Sequel di "Hir o Heleg" ** Aredhel, principessa delle Montagne Grigie, un giorno incontrò e salvò la vita a Thranduil, re di Bosco Atro. Tra i due scatta qualcosa; tuttavia né una né l'altro si decidono ad ammetterlo. Lei infatti nasconde un segreto: è una Guardiana, quindi ha la possibilità di cambiare il loro cor...

  • Hir o Heleg (Occhi di Ghiaccio)
    39.7K 2.1K 25

    **STORIA IN REVISIONE** Fanfiction su Thranduil ambientata nella Terza Era della Terra di Mezzo. Aredhel e' la principessa delle Montagne Grigie. Durante il ritorno al suo regno da Imladris si imbatterà in qualcosa, o meglio, qualcuno che le cambierà la vita....

  • La Figlia degli Anelli
    23.4K 1.3K 32

    "Un Anello per domarli. Un Anello per trovarli. Un Anello per ghermirli e nel buio incatenarli." È solo questo che Kia dovrà fare? O è solo un'altra sua scelta? Tutto sta celato nei suoi pensieri e nei suoi ricordi. Cosa mai potrà fare la Figlia degli Anelli?

  • Legolas e Kim
    8.5K 378 21

    Questa storia l'ho inventata io. Mi sono basata sui personaggi dello hobbit e il signore degli anelli. Le relazioni tra i personaggi sono inventati e non corrispondono al libro o al film. La storia racconta come si sono conosciuti Legolas di bosco atro e Kim figlia di Kili e Tauriel.

  • Celebril di Gondor
    53.8K 2.8K 59

    Sauron, l'Oscuro Signore, è tornato a minacciare la pace nella Terra di Mezzo. E cedono e cadono nel baratro del Male, alcuni oppongono resistenza: un'Ultima Alleanza tra Elfi e Uomini combatterà per la libertà e la vita. Celebril, sorella minore di Aragorn ed erede al Trono di Gondor, scoprirà che a volte, anche nei...

  • she loved you.
    8.8K 572 16

    (FF) Storia inventata sulla regina di bosco atro, madre di Legolas. -personaggi e riferimenti derivanti da "lo hobbit", "il Silmarillion " e "il signore degli anelli".

  • Le avventure di Lariel
    713 41 3

    Vi immaginate se, nella storia del Signore degli Anelli, Legolas avesse una cugina? E se quella cugina fosse partita con lui e la Compagnia dell'Anello? Queste sono le avventure di Lariel, la cugina "segreta" di Legolas.

  • La Famiglia di Bosco Atro
    73.9K 2.9K 67

    Questa ff è ambientata nella terra di mezzo, più precisamente a Bosco Atro, parla della vita di Thranduil, Elithien (moglie di Thranduil) e legolas. Ho deciso di parlare approfonditamente dell'infanzia di Legolas che conterrà sia bei ricordi e giorni felici che drammi ed esperienze traumatiche, capisco che non è la s...

  • Le Maledizione
    1.2K 13 14

    Parla di una ragazza maga che incontrerà persone meravigliose, che amerà. È farà avventure fantastiche. In questa storia sono tre film a me cari rivisitati:Lo Hobbit, IL signore degli anelli, Londra sotto attacco.

  • Tidal wave. (LOTR fanfic)
    15.6K 374 12

    "Your dwarf breathes so loudly, we could have shot him in the dark," the tall figure who was most likely the head of the group, says smirking. I smile, he was very handsome. He stared at me for a minute then looked away. I had this strange feeling that we would get along well, very well in fact. -H A L D I R-

  • The Dark Scepter
    30 0 1

    Questo, è il continuo della mia storia, the dark scepter. La continuo in questo nuovo profilo, perchè ho perso ľ altro 0_0 . Ovviamente, ci saranno nuove sorprese, di questo potete starne certi ^-^

  • Harry Potter and the Dwarves of Erebor
    410K 13K 31

    Harry Potter died after the final battle. But the Valar took pity on him and decided to grant him another chance at life in Middle Earth, as a Dwarfling. Now alone in a strange new world, but still armed with his magic, Harry meets up with a Company of Dwarves, a Hobbit and a Wizard that are on a dangerous quest that...

  • The Arranged Marriage
    60.9K 1.6K 12

    The two kingdoms of Ealdor and Camelot have been at war for years. The two kings, King Balinor and King Uther, finally decide to make an alliance, on one condition, the two kingdoms have to be united through marriage. Prince Merlin of Ealdor and Princess Morgana of Camelot are definitely not happy. Will they learn to...

  • When the Sun Rises
    27.4K 1.1K 29

    Taenya is an elleth who lives in the forest outside of the village of Willowdale. She is naive, innocent, and kind-- exactly the kind of lady Elladan would fall in love with. When the two meet one day in the forest, it begins the events that will intertwine their fates and show them that love can heal even the deepest...

  • Broken Spirit (LOTR Fanfiction General - Little Legolas, Family Drama)
    47.4K 1.2K 32

    Princeling Legolas disobeyed his father. The punishment leads over incident that no one ever wished. Would the Peredhil' saved the day? Note: The twins in this story are older, but only in this story. Estel is 12 years old, while Legolas is 9 years old, and only an elfling compared to the other elves.

  • Into the West (A Lord of the Rings Fan Fic)
    179K 4.3K 38

    The Eldar say that those who marry late have strange fates and love certainly came late for Amaruil Celebrindal, a noble Sindar, friend of Arwen Undomiel and the love left behind in Rivendell as the Fellowship left to destroy the One Ring. Aragorn was not the only member of the Fellowship who was fighting for an elf.

  • Elven Scroll [EN] King Thranduil
    17.9K 497 21

    ۶ Chronicle of the Elven Scroll - A King Thranduil love story ۶ A shooting star falls to Middle Earth, in the near of the Mirkwood Palace. A shooting star, who became far more important to King Thranduil, than he would have thought at first sight. English is not my first language, sorry for all the mistakes! I did my...

  • For the love of a Dragon (Thranduil fanfic)
    265K 8.8K 20

    Cursed elleth. Dragon. Thranduil. You finish the puzzle. residenthobbit49 :) Note: I am in the midst of editing the final couple of chapters - just in case the writing style suddenly seems different! Bear with me - but I still hope you enjoy it :)

  • An iceling in mirkwood ~ thranduil love story
    400K 9.7K 48

    A beautiful creature with the power over ice, snow and winter is supposed to be extinct, but appears suddenly in mirkwood forest without explanation and causes all hell to break loose! There will be adventure, fantasy, humour and of course romance between our icy female and a certain elvish king! Please do not steal m...

  • The Skin-Changer's Daughter (Hobbit Fanfic)
    181K 5.3K 62

    Eleana is a Half-Elf. She's lived in Lothlorien for many years, ever since her village was destroyed by orcs. She is also a Skin-Changer. Her mother was an elf, her father the notorious Beorn. She has lived happily under the care of the lady Galadriel for many long years but when Gandalf the Grey sends for her, she m...