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  • When We Shed Civilization
    23.1K 1.9K 51

    [Wattpad Editors' Choice] In a dystopian future, Beth is to marry a man she has just met. And Leo seeks revenge for his wife's murder. They start off as enemies. ---- Decades after humanity's downfall, the last remnants of civilization hide in gated communities. Gangs and fights rule the rest of the desiccated lands. ...

  • Bunker Bird
    64K 4.4K 43

    Tim, a garbage handler in a post-apocalyptic bunker, loses the little he has. But then he finds Amy, the redhead with an attitude. Together, they will try to change the world they live in. -- Tim is one of those who shovel the shit and clean away the waste. Life in the dirt of others is all he knows. When his father g...

  • Tales Between the Lines
    7.4K 797 58

    Destiny in a store, Time the Thief, Schroedinger's Cat, and a storm-inducing butterfly-what do they have in common? And why are they called "The Four Metaphors of the Apocalypse"? And what's the color of Universe's loincloth? If these are the questions you want to have answers for, come in and find out. A collection o...

  • Walking the Ruins
    244K 19.9K 70

    [Featured Wattpad Story] A girl cast into the future, navigating a dystopian wilderness with her friends. Leona and some friends are hiking in the rain, on a school excursion. She would prefer to be elsewhere. Suddenly, nausea takes hold of her. Then everything turns dark, and a clapping noise rips her world apart. T...

  • Und mein Schiff heißt Nemesis | Wattys 2021 Shortlist
    22.7K 2.5K 38

    Eigentlich sollte ich nur die Tochter des Senators nach Europa-5 bringen. Der Lohn würde reichen, endlich mein Schiff zu überholen. Aber das Schicksal meinte es anders. Es bescherte mir nicht nur einen Asteroideneinschlag, sondern auch einen blinder Passagier. Und damit fing der Ärger für mich und meine Katze erst an...

  • Last Hope Falling
    9.1K 2.1K 28

    Pete is the captain of a generation ship that has traveled the lightyears from ruined earth to its destination system. He enjoys the privileges of his rank, unwilling to risk them by attempting a landing on the planet they have been orbiting for years. Ralph, his younger brother, has spent his life in Pete's shadow, t...

  • Tales Between the Lines
    1.6K 357 58

    Destiny, Time, Schroedinger's Cat and Butterfly are on the loose! As the Four Metaphors of the Apocalypse, they are ready to take revenge on their captor, Universe himself. *** Respectable stories are born in a writer's cunning mind. Their less esteemed cousins are perceived in a heightened state of said writer's...

  • Emerald
    11.5K 2K 29

    The planet seems perfect for human settlement: water, an earth-like atmosphere and a lush vegetation. Mil plunges into the study of the biosphere with professional enthusiasm. But one detail slips her attention...

  • Welt der Ruinen
    12.5K 1.3K 62

    Ein paar Freunde auf ihren Weg durch die Ruinen der Zukunft. Leonie stapft auf einem Schulausflug durch den Regen, ohne jegliche Begeisterung. Da wird ihr übel, plötzlich und intensiv. Und dann folgt ein lauter Knall. Sie wird mit ein paar Freunden in die Zukunft verschlagen, in eine scheinbar mensche...

  • Der Letzte der 1000
    69 9 1

    Nach einem Flug, der Generationen gedauert hat, erreicht das Raumschiff "1001 Nacht" seinen Zielplaneten. Die Passagiere bereiten sich auf die Landung vor. Eine Kurzgeschichte, inspiriert durch das Buch "Free Me" von @jinnis. (Ich kann jedem empfehlen, bei ihr reinzuschauen. Ihre Bücher, in Deutsch und Englisch, sind...

  • The last one of the 1000
    512 48 2

    After generations, the spaceship Night has arrived at its destiny and orbits a planet to be settled. The passengers prepare to disembark. A short tale inspired by @jinnis' story "Free me!". Check out her great writing. (Bemerkung: Das Buch gibt es auch in Deutsch, "Der Letzte der 1000")
