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  • The Butterfly Company. (An OHSHC fanfic)
    107 0 19

    Do you want to play a game? Hide and seek specifically in which two players are sisters and they hide along with their mother from their rich psychotic father. If they lose however (which is inevitable since the father has many connections) the punishment is another ℘ཞɛɬɬყ scar and/or ƈơŋʂɬཞųƈɬı۷ɛ beating. This game...

  • Homestuck one shots (x readers and OCs)
    8.8K 71 20

    If you want to see your ship to come to life, a certain x reader, or want a character X OC this is the place to have that come true. Requests are open but be warned I usually only have time over the weekend to write so if you request Monday you're still gonna get it between Friday and Sunday. Sorry~
