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  • Heath | Wattys 2017
    323K 18.1K 8

    A beat of a second passed before he slowly pulled away from me, the suffocating heat withdrawing with him as he straightened up. My eyes lifted to meet his as he released his hold on my knife, and I flicked my wrist, flipping it with ease so my hands closed around its smooth, still-warm handle. The room was silent. Th...

  • Sleepwalker
    9.2M 375K 26

    When the quiet girl in Clayton Hugh's chemistry class comes knocking on his door at five in the morning barely covered up in her little pajamas, inattentive, and drooling like crazy, he has no choice but to take her inside. But once Lucy Walker wakes up inside a room she has never seen before wearing an over-sized t-s...

  • Best Friend Protocol
    1.6K 73 1

    ❝A wise man once said; the best way to get a girl is to make her jealous," I said. Adam raised an eyebrow. "You're not actually being serious, are you?" "Trust me on this," I smirked. "You'll have Vera eating out your palm by the end of three weeks." "And you think by being my fake girlfriend is going to do that?" Ada...