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  • Jultunud
    73.7K 5.2K 30

    Annika, seitsmeteistkümne aastane ülbe tüdruk, keda kõik kardavad. Ema, tema uus mees ja poeg. Annika teeb kõik et ei sünniks "ühist peret" oma ülbusega saab ta kõik, isegi täiskasvanud kardavad tema sisisevat keelt. Kuid selle katkestab kokkulepe ema uue mehe ja poja vahel. Kokkulepe armastuse käeläbi...

  • Kummaline saatus
    89.6K 6K 41

    Koolis ebapopulaarne ning vaesemast perest Katy Clay on alati lootnud paremale elule. Ta elas väikeses üürikorteris koos oma ema, vanema õe Liliani ning väiksema venna Jose'ga. Nüüd, kui nende üürileping läbi saab, avaneb neil võimalus see lootus tõeks teha. Kokku hoitud raha eest õnnestub nende emal osta suur maja. S...

  • Kadunud.
    4.9K 315 10

    Tere olen Bella ja ma olen 16 Mul on ema, isa, ja õde. Ema Elaina Isa Rauno Õde Miia Bf puudub Koduloom puudub. BFF on Lisetta Meeldib klaverit mängida. Olen sõbralik ja naljakas tüdruk.

  • Jäljed
    7.2K 847 22

    Ja ta langes. Ta langes sügavale.

  • The Two Bad Ones
    184 8 1

    They are basically the same person. They dress pretty much the same. They like the same music. They even have the same birthday. They even misbehave. Just one fault, one's a girl and one's a boy. _____ Cover: @reagan_abbott

  • Telepaatia
    1.4K 116 4

    Bethany on tüdruk kes elas Californias, kui tema õde Britneyd kiusama hakati ja see ülepiiride läks kolis perekond Londonisse. Tüdrukud pidid saama endale uusi sõpru, niiet keegi neid uuesti norima ei hakkaks. Bethany leidis endale paari päevaga südame sõbra, aga ega ta õel kehvemini läinud. Anni ja Tairi j...

  • Handling a Baby [Percabeth fanfic]
    23.5K 440 4

    "Hurry!" a nurse shouted to the doctor. They rushed into the operation room, leaving Percy behind. Percy anticipated this moment, biting his fingernails with such force, they peeled easily. Sally patted him on the shoulder. "It'll be ok, Percy," she comforted. Percy didn't seem to hear her and crossed his arms...

  • An Even More Scarred Life
    437K 10.4K 29

    Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, two of our most favored heroes, meet in this epic adventure. Chiron and the gods send Percy and his friends to Hogwarts where they teach two new classes, as well as become friends with the Golden Trio. First impressions aren't that great, and trouble arises. Things eventually get solved...

  • A Servant for a Mate - Book #1 (Completed)
    25.3M 422K 48

    Book #1 in the Royal Secret Trilogy It all happened one night eight years ago. A few words spoken to shake a tiny heart with fear. Running and hiding became a natural for Claudia. Fear over took her heart at such a young age, making her stay away from the one boy who would be her everything. Now eight years has passe...

  • Riivatu (eesti keeles - Mcfly)
    167K 10.5K 47

    ▪ riivatu häbematu, kõlvatu; solvatu, puudutatu ▪

  • Neetud (Writnes & anniepoynter) (McFly)
    72.9K 5.2K 35

    Neljal noormehel on maailma ees palju suuremaid saladusi kui nende armuelu...

  • Jookse, kuni suudad (Writnes & anniepoynter)
    35.6K 2.7K 26

    Peaaegu kõik on kuulnud hundikarjast, kelle juhtidel on psühhopaatidele omane võimetus tunda empaatiat ja halastust. Kuid võibolla midagi sellist kui armastus aitab seda parandada...

  • Crave
    232K 3.2K 5

    After wandering into a dark and alluring club on her 21st birthday, Lillian Carter makes a terrifying and life-altering discovery. Not only are humans not the only beings at the top of the food chain, but there are other supernatural creatures out there, the likes of which she could never dream existed. Suddenly, Lill...

  • Falling For The Opposite [PUBLISHED]
    22.3M 578K 44

    Published under Pop Fiction/Summit Media. She's rich, he's not. She's the student body president, he's struggling to pass math. She's the queen bee, he's the loner in school. Celeste Graham is on the top of the high school food chain. Students look up to her, but some just plainly feel intimidated. Being popular...

  • Bulletproof (#1) ✔
    55.5M 1.6M 47

    When Franny learns why former popular boy Tyler fell from grace, she gets thrown head-first into his dangerous world but also closer to his timid heart. ***** Eighteen-year-old Tyler Madden used to have everything. He was captain of the football tea...

  • Cupcake Kisses
    13.6M 398K 23

    They were never supposed to fall in love. In fact, they were probably never even supposed to meet. But life does that sometimes; it brings you someone who unexpectedly turns your world upside down. For Ella, it all began on the last day of summer, in a small bakery on the edge of town. With three teenage boys, a plas...

  • Uus algus
    24 2 1

  • Teine; "Another"
    1.4K 125 5

    Erised Amsterdam veedab suure osa oma ajast libahundina ringi hulkudes, sest see on ainuke viis mitte-millelegi mõelda. Mõrv, saladused ning võim kõnnivad peagi käsi-käes.

  • When Saving A Genie...
    77 5 1

    There was only person on Leighton's mind when she sped out of her drive way, Brent Hall. So it's easy to say that Leighton didn't mean to hit Hudson Doresc with her car. She didn't mean to spit in his mouth when she tried to preform SPR. And when she started sobbing and wishing he would be perfectly fine, she definite...

  • is it still a joke now?
    2.8M 94.5K 28

    The utter most inner thoughts and feelings of one who has but no other way to express them and therefore without a pen a paper she very much may spontaneously combust in an explosion of secrets bottled up for far far too long. : )

  • My Brother's Best Friend
    13M 187K 62

    After returning from England, Isabella is finally home for the summer. But she didn't expect to end up in bed with Caleb Knight, her brother's friend, giving him the one precious thing she can never get back. . . Her virginity. And months later a positive pregnancy test hits her harder than ever, but are they truly re...

  • A Tale Of Two Best Friends (EDITING)
    145K 3.3K 36

    Have you ever experienced falling in love with your own best friend? Well the fact is, the other doesn't feel the same way as the other does. Love is mysterious and has its own ways of entering your life. It is up to you if you would let it enter your life or to just ignore it. Meet Sophia Wright, an average 17 year...

  • By Chance
    39.9K 984 29

    I didn't know him. He didn't know me. It's obvious to say we we're complete strangers. But, yeah, I hear his name talked about in school but I really don't care. You could just imagine how weird it is to me when Keagan Keene, famous MVP, comes up, talks to me and asked for my help. On what? Helping him win my best fri...

  • Alice's World (Twilight fan fiction!!)
    98.8K 1.2K 15

    Alice Cullen's life after Breaking Dawn. She goes through shocking things and finds out more about her past.

  • Under Water.
    74.1K 924 20

    *Previously known as You Got to be Kidding me! (Arrange marriage) YGTB* Dominique is a 17 year old dhampir that lives in the human world. Her life is going well until one day her mother tells her that she has to marry the vampire prince to avoid a war between the Vampire and the Dhampir realms. She has a lot to take i...

  • (ON HOLD) What Goes Around Comes Around
    4.7K 166 9

    Madison is a b*tch. She's rich, popular and gorgeous. But when her parents get murdered, she needs to go live with her older brother. She loses all her money and changes school. Everthing changes but Mady promises herself that SHE won't change. She still treats everyone like trash and has no real friends. But things a...

  • Take My Hand
    534K 6.6K 23

    How wise could it possibly be to help a stranger you find bleeding in an alleyway at two in the morning? This alone could have life altering consequences that may not be beneficial to your immediate health. But when that man informs you that he is not even human, what are you supposed to believe? Is he a psychopath? O...

    Completed   Mature
  • The secret circle season 2
    5.2K 114 4

    Ok so as we all know the secret circle was canceled so this will be my version it might be crap cause i have never wrote before but here it goes hope you like Ps never read the books so it will be 100% diffrent