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  • Fake It til you Make It
    419 18 10

    Ever wanted to be the popular girl? Ever wonder what it would be like to be the popular girl? This is a story of a 15-year-old girl Poppy, who moves to a new school in a new city where no one knows anything about her. at her old school she just blended in, she wasn't Popular, she wasn't a nerd, she was just in the mid...

  • More Issues Than Vogue | ✔️
    5.3M 171K 29

    *Wattpad Featured Novel* Haley Monroe has moved to the Big Apple and is ready to start her internship at Forward Magazine, the hottest best selling lifestyle magazine in the country. Everything is set into place: Overpriced tiny apartment? Check. Sadly single? Check. Friendless in new city? Check...