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    303K 5K 40

    "J u s t 'c a u s e y o u l o v e s o m e o n e d o e s n 't m e a n y o u s h o u l d s t i c k a r o u n d a n d s c r e w u p t h e i r l i f e." D E A N · W I N C H E S T E R Set in Season 9 Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or any of its characters. I only...

  • As It Was - Dean Winchester
    804K 21.4K 76

    "Willow Price." Caleb introduced me. My hair was parted in two tight french braids that held the hair away from my face. I was wearing cargo pants and a military green tank top, showing my muscular arms riddled with tattoos. I didn't move a muscle in my face when the man's dark eyes met mine. "Willow, this is John Wi...

    3.2M 79.9K 53

    show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy. [dean winchester x emery wilson] [supernatural; season one-three] [completed] [cover by veingeances] [highest rating; #23 in fanfiction. #1 in supernatural.] [voted best oc and best pairing spn awards 2016] [voted best dean winchester fic tv and movie awards 2017] [voted b...
