
Follow @Love_Waffles


I started working on the new debate topic. I sent you two google docs full of contentions we can use through my school account. I got my phone taken away for a very long time so I can't text you through messages. Please try to at least read over the Google Doc. 


hey man, im like 96.1% sure you go to my school irl. you sit diagonal from me in english. we just presented a project on the demeter and persephone myth. our group rushed on the allusions, and im still salty. our kahoot was deeep. we both did whiz quiz. if you have no idea what im talking about, let me down gently. this feels awkward enough.


Everyone who love writing- sign up for NaNoWriMo! It is a challenge to write 50,000 words in a month, or NaNoWriMo jr., where you set your own goals. November 1st is the start, so sign up now!


@Scarlette_Wolfe123 I skipped this year's Nanowrimo because I was too busy, but I might do next Camp Nano again