
When you have lost inspiration qnd motive to continue writing does any one else randomly get new characters push themselves forward wanting to come to life on paper? 
          	Its been happening to me a lot lately haha.
          	Got the main characters now just need a story for them. 
          	This is completely new to me qs I have only recently started writing and I started writing a book about me. So to have characters wanting to be put into a new story os strange haha
          	Hoping that this story comes to life soon though as I have been missing writing so much.
          	If you are wondering why I have basucally been MIA feel free to message :)


When you have lost inspiration qnd motive to continue writing does any one else randomly get new characters push themselves forward wanting to come to life on paper? 
          Its been happening to me a lot lately haha.
          Got the main characters now just need a story for them. 
          This is completely new to me qs I have only recently started writing and I started writing a book about me. So to have characters wanting to be put into a new story os strange haha
          Hoping that this story comes to life soon though as I have been missing writing so much.
          If you are wondering why I have basucally been MIA feel free to message :)


Thank you so much for following me, I appreciate your support!
          Feel free to browse my stories.  What's your favorite genre?
          Stay safe and have a wonderful day hon! ♥️♥️♥️


@Leigh-Ann1990 Good taste, I see. :)


I know i 0romised you a chapter last week but things have been so hectic.
          I helped my mum move into her new house last week which made my back problems worse and could hardly move for a couple of days. 
          I have also been getting bad migraines lately again too which has stopped me from being able to write.
          I then ended up being unwell at the same time as my son who has been off nursery all week because of it so I haven't had the time to think lwt alone write anything for you guys.
          With it being easter weekend it will be spent having family time. 
          I will try my absolute best to get it up next week at some point health depending.
          I cant apologise enough for the delay.
          Sorry again


Sorry for the delay in the next chapter.
          I have a lot going on at the minute. 
          My mum is moving house and I've been helping her to pack up all her things. Its emotional too since that's been home for nearly 17 years. 
          While packing I have came across so many things from my childhood that brought back so many memories. Some amazing and also some sad.
          I will get the next chapter up as soon as I can. Should be the weekend at the latest


Chapter 20 will be out at somepoint over the weekend.
          To make up for the short chapter last time I am going to make chapter 20 longer by combining what was supposed to be 2 chapters into one.
          I am also doing this to get through what happened at that point in my life quicker as it's not something I like to think about etc.
          As always thank you all for the continued reads it means so much to me 


Hi :)
          I will be posting the next chapter later on today.
          It will be a time skip as nothing major happened between the time the last chapter took place until this one.
          Hope you will enjoy it. I will post again once it has been uploaded.
          Thank you all again for the number of reads etc. It means so much to me and I am thankful to every single one of my readers :)